2.1 Management

Management and Planning are very important and strategic components not only in the world of business, but also in your own personal life!”


Please, write 2 full single-spaced pages regarding how you would like to envision your professional career to be after you graduate.


Specifically, please address the following items in your submission:


  • What specific career would you like to pursue? Operations Advisor for the department of defense. Any area
  • What other advanced business, technical or academic classes (if any) you need to take to accomplish your career dream? Principles of Microeconomics, The Legal and Regulatory Context for Managers, Business in Contemporary Society, International Business Management, Principles of Marketing.
  • What personal plan do you have in place to achieve your professional career? (both short-term and long-term)
  • How does the role of business management (this class topics) play out in your future career growth and professional potential?
  • What specific aspects from this class are you going to take away for your own professional growth development?
  • What current data and information from your own skills, experiences, and expertise can you currently utilize to be successful in your future professional development? 


You need to write at least 2 to 3 full single-spaced pages (12pts font, Time New Roman, MS Word or PDF file version only). There is no right or wrong answer here.


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