300+ words APA in text citations and reference page American..

300+ words APA in text citations and reference page American..

300+ words APA in text citations and reference page American..

300+ words APA in text citations and reference page

American federalism has evolved since 1789. Select a current example of a policy issue that has arisen under the umbrella of states’ rights.  Then present the following:


(1) Describe the issue briefly, including summarizing key policy changes over its history.


(2) What role have interest groups and the mass media played in keeping this issue on the policy agenda?


(3) Have states’ rights eroded or been strengthened related to this specific policy?


Remember to incorporate key terms/concepts from your required readings along with replying to your classmates. You are also expected to reference the assigned readings while properly citing all sources.  Initial posts should be at least 300 words in length.

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