500 words essay

 An unreliable narrator is a speaker who is deranged, deluded, deceptive or/and self-deceptive as seen in the Edgar Allan Poe short stories “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.” In a 300-word analysis, show how the speaker in “The Tell-Tale Heart” is unreliable using textual evidence. How is the narrator deceptive towards the old man who is under his care? What action (and its related reasoning) reveals to the reader that the narrator (the speaker) is deranged? Remember to limit each quote to 15 words each, encased in quotation marks (Quotations should only be the best of the text and something that you cannot summarized or put into your own words better). A QUOTE NEVER BEGINS A SENTENCE! In-text citations will look like (Poe #), # denoting paragraph number. Word Count: minimum is 300 (go over, you are not limited)  

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