Discussion: Pathogenic versus Positive Psychology

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Discussion: Pathogenic versus Positive Psychology

Discussion: Pathogenic versus Positive Psychology

Assignment: Discuss Pathogenic versus Positive Psychology


In this assignment, you will focus on the concept of positive psychology and how it differs from traditional psychotherapy. You will also become aware of the major assumptions and pillars of positive psychology.

Historically, psychology has focused on finding out what is wrong with people. Pathogenic psychology assumes the worst about people by focusing on their weaknesses. The focus of positive psychology is different from this.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research Martin Seligman discussing positive psychology. When conducting your Internet search, use the following keywords or phrases:

  • Martin Seligman on positive psychology
  • Martin Seligman on the state of psychology

Respond to the following:

  • Discuss how positive psychology is different from pathogenic psychology. Substantiate your answer with appropriate reasons.

Write your initial response in 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

______________ is the science of understanding individuals—animals as well as people.
Question options:
a) Archaeology
b) Sociology
c) Anthropology
d) Psychology

Question 2 1 / 1 point
______________ psychologists treat and assess relatively healthy people and assist them with career and vocational interests.
Question options:
a) Cognitive
b) Counseling
c) Clinical
d) Health

Question 3 1 / 1 point
______________ psychology is also known as folk psychology.
Question options:
a) Popular
b) Clinical
c) Scientific
d) Research

Question 4 1 / 1 point
Which of the following questions is most likely to be discussed by a developmental psychologist?
Question options:
a) Why are we attracted to particular kinds of people?
b) How does the presence of other people change an individual’s thoughts, feelings, or perceptions?
c) How do people visualize objects in their minds?
d) How does parent-infant bonding affect adult relationships?

Question 5 0 / 1 point
Which of the following questions is most likely to be discussed by a cognitive psychologist?
Question options:

a) How does the presence of other people change an individual’s thoughts, feeling, or perceptions?
b) Why are we attracted to particular kinds of people?
c) How do people visualize objects in their minds?
d) How does parent-infant bonding affect adult relationships?

Chapter 1 Perspectives in Psychology
Question 6 1 / 1 point
Psychoanalysis assumes that:
Question options:
a) dreams have no meaning to or relationship with the unconscious mind.
b) social forces are the most powerful motivators of adult behavior.
c) underlying biological events such as hormonal changes mediate all human behavior.
d) the unconscious mind is the most powerful motivator of behavior.

Question 7 1 / 1 point
Which of the following psychologists asserted that psychology can be a true science only if it examines observable behavior, not ideas, thoughts, feelings, or motives?
Question options:
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Carl Rogers
c) John Watson
d) William James

Question 8 1 / 1 point
Mary Whiton Calkins:
Question options:
a) opened the first psychology laboratory in the United States.
b) started the first scientific journal in American psychology, the American Journal of Psychology.
c) was the first female president of the American Psychological Association.
d) was a student of Sigmund Freud.

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