Discussion: Model metaparadigm concepts.

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Discussion: Model metaparadigm concepts.

Discussion: Model metaparadigm concepts.

A brief overview of the nursing conceptual model selected. WATSON

Explanation of how the nursing conceptual model incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.

Explain at least three specific ways in which the nursing conceptual model could be used to improve nursing practice. Elaborate, explain, or defend each point mentioned.


Provide current reliable sources to establish credibility for the presentation.

Requirements for PowerPoint are as follows:

6 slides for content.

1 slide for references.

APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines.

DUE SATURDAY AT 9:00 am eastern standard no plagiaris. 800 word essay. 6 slides content 1 reference with consise info.

Based on the literature, after experiencing the worldviews of theism and naturalism, modern nursing has adopted a kind of postmodern worldview: a pantheistic monism (). In new nursing theories terms such as soul, energy, source and divine have been used in the three perspectives mentioned above, though with different meanings in each one (). In the latter, they have found a more personal ontological place, which is related to creating one’s own reality (). Most recent theories of nursing are affected by the philosophical ideas of existentialism and humanism, and Far East philosophies such as Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism (, ), which are properly matched to the secular modern ideology of the West. As a result of the attempts to find a unique and distinct identity between other medical disciplines, the definitions of the main nursing concepts in these theories are holistic, subjective and transcendence-based (). Jean Watson is a theorist in nursing who has persistently disseminated her “Theory of Human Caring” by publishing many articles and books, and providing lectures in professional seminars (). She critiques the current trend of giving more attention to the expansion of solid and accurate knowledge in nursing through developing more specific theories. She cautions against the risk of ignoring the development of a theoretical basis for the main concepts in nursing, such as caring, which are needed for the humanistic face of the discipline (). The Human Caring Theory has received attention because of the importance it places on the concept of caring as the essence of nursing (). This theory has been developed over the past thirty years and is greatly influenced by theories of consciousness, existentialism, cognition sciences, quantum physics, interpersonal psychology, Taoism and feminism (). The Human Caring Theory gives much importance to the spiritual, rather than the physical, dimension of human beings, and emphasizes the self-transcendence and self-actualization of the nurse in caring experiences. This is what makes this theory different from others that focus only on patients and do not notice spirituality as the preferable aspect (, ). In spite of the theorist’s attempts to provide a comprehensive worldview for nurse-patient encounters, there are some critiques on its theoretical philosophy and the definitions for its main concepts. The definitions of the concepts of person, health and environment are vague since they are abstract terms derived from multiple West and Far East philosophical thoughts (, ). Some concepts that are used in the definition of health and need to be briefly explained include: self-healing, harmony of mind, body and soul, and conciseness-transcendence (). The concept of environment is defined as the internal and external factors effecting a person (), which creates the need to answer questions about the existence of the world without considering the human factor. The indirect effects of global issues such as ethnic wars, terrorism and the ecological problems on every human being living in the world are ignored in this subject-based point of view. Affected by the thoughts of existentialism and humanism, the concepts of human being, nature, transcendence and even that energy-giving source (whether it is referred to as God, the divine power, or a similar title) are defined based on human-centrality. An evaluation of the current worldviews shows the need to seek another perspective on nursing, which may still be unknown in nursing literature. One possible perspective that has not been explored in nursing literature may be Persian mysticism.

Mysticism is to reach the truth through intuition, revelation and alliance, which is an old creed in many cultures and nations (). Despite some differences in the forms and manners, all types of mysticism have common points (). According to Henry Corbin, an Islamist researcher (1978 – 1903), the non-secular Persian mysticism has a rich and comprehensive theoretical basis that is notable in the modern world (). Alive, dynamic, and tremendously affected by Islam, Persian mysticism covers a range of worldwide themes and has the potential to be matched with many human science theories (). Most nursing theories borrow their theoretical basis from other disciplines, and many nursing concepts are well conceptualized in Persian mysticism. To see the nursing concepts from a celestial mystical perspective is a new approach that can be used for the development of nursing grand theories. Any new approach in nursing should provide clear and precise definitions for the four nursing concepts of person (human being), environment, health and nursing. Jean Watson’s theory has a mystical nature; moreover, it is important to see things in the light of a recent and frequently studied theory. The aim of this study was to comparatively explain the concepts of person, health and environment in the Human Caring Theory and Persian mysticism.

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