Assignment: Physical Therapist

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The final project in this course will consist of a written paper and will help you to examine your career development. It should be written in standard APA style (i.e. double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins). Your paper should be 4 to 5 pages in length, well-organized and well-written. For this project you will need to locate and interview an Physical Therapist who holds the career you plan to pursue. Remember, many professionals are extremely busy and you may need to schedule this interview several weeks ahead of time – do not wait until the last minute! Your final paper must be written as a reflection paper using APA format. It should NOT, read as a written interview where you write questions and the responses provided by the interviewee. The reflection paper must also include well-organized thought as to whether your career plans have changed after taking this course and completing the interview, what new careers related to psychology you learned about, what types of experiences you will seek out to meet your career goals, and what areas you need further information in to pursue your goals. Information about the interview is included in the reflection paper articulating why you have chosen a certain career path, how it is a realistic and attainable goal, and how you plan on attaining that career goal. In addition, your paper must include a title page, at least 3 pages of content and a reference page. Please note that the title and reference pages do NOT count toward the 3-5 page requirement. Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.

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