Assignment: Corrections And Psychology

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Ascertain the importance of each of the four (4) basic categories of risk management activities discussed in Chapter 10 of the textbook. Next, select two (2) of these categories, and provide one (1) real-world example of a forensic psychologist or criminal justice system professional effectively carrying out an activity from that category. Be specific and detailed in your real-world example.


detail of the prescribing process, in terms of the antibiotic

choice, dose and duration of treatment, was not a focal

point across the studies. The issue of prescribing broad-

spectrum antibiotics for the elderly in LTCFs was justified

by doctors in the most recent study [15]. Pharmacists in this

study also raised their concern regarding prolonged dura-

tions of prescriptions [15]. In general, this review found

that many study participants were of the opinion that an-

tibiotic prescribing in their LTCF is ‘‘probably about

right’’. Any negative opinions about antibiotic prescribing

were often made in criticism of other health care profes-

sionals rather than self-criticism [15].

One study reported the views of doctors who felt that the

standards of care in some LTCFs were insufficient. In this

particular study, there seemed to be a ‘‘strain in the rela-

tionship between nursing home staff and GPs [general

practitioners]’’, even though all participants were from

different LTCFs [22]. Such a finding was not reported in

any other study.

Cultural differences in the care of residents with de-

mentia who had pneumonia were noted between par-

ticipants of a study conducted in the USA and the

Netherlands [21]. The USA physicians were reportedly

more inclined to hospitalize residents and to defer to the

families’ decisions. In the Netherlands, physicians were

more likely not to hospitalize and reported giving instruc-

tion to the family regarding the best decision for the resi-

dent. While this sub-theme was linked to the social factors

theme, it was more appropriately assigned as a variation in

knowledge and prescribing practices between these two

cultures. The importance of including that study in the

review was to highlight that there may be cultural differ-

ences between countries in the processes of infection

management and antibiotic prescribing for residents at the

end of life in LTCFs.

3.3.5 Antimicrobial Stewardship and Changing Practices

Two studies did not investigate the influence of AMS on

antibiotic prescribing [18, 21]. Walker et al. [20] recom-

mended improving inter-professional communication and

education, and this recommendation was based on the au-

thors’ own conclusions rather than the opinions of the

participants. Russell and Gallen [22] made several rec-

ommendations, including a review of doctors’ reimburse-

ment for LTCF services, improvement in inter-professional

relations, improvement in arrangements for sample testing

and collection of data regarding antibiotic sensitivities. It

was not evident that these suggestions were made by the


Of the studies that addressed this issue in detail with

participants, the facilitators and barriers to introducing

AMS strategies in LTCFs were investigated [14–17]. The

main facilitator to implementing changes in practice was

the motivation and ‘‘buy-in’’ of health care professionals

[14, 17].

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