Assignment:t Of Cognitive Psychology

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Assignment:t Of Cognitive Psychology

Assignment:t Of Cognitive Psychology

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PSY/360 Weeks 1-5 – Entire Course – All team, individual, and DQ assignments – A+ & Original Guaranteed!


Week One

Introduction Cognitive Psychology


·         Define cognitive psychology.

·         Identify key milestones in the development of cognitive psychology as a discipline.

·         Discuss the importance of behavioral observation in cognitive psychology.

·         Explain the role of the brain in cognitive functions.


Course Assignments




Read Ch. 1 & 2 of Cognition.

Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.




Due Day 3 (Thursday):  Discussion Question 1: Post your response in the Main Forum and begin responding to each other’s responses.  Please post your responses in the DQ threads.  Responses to each question should be approximately 200-300 words.


Due Day 4 (Friday):  Discussion Questions 2 OR 3:  Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin responding to each other’s response.  Please post your response in the DQ threads.  Responses to each question should be approximately 200-300 words.


Due Day 7 (Monday):  Cognitive Psychology Definition Paper (12 points):  This paper should be posted as a Word attachment in the Assignment Section and should be consistent with APA guidelines.  Prepare a 700-1050-word paper in which you define cognitive psychology.  Be sure to address the following topics in your paper.


·         Identify at least four key milestones in the development of cognitive psychology as a discipline.

·         Discuss the importance of behavioral observation in cognitive psychology.

·         Include your Certificate of Originality which can be found either as a Word document in the Course Materials or also accessed through the Center for Writing Excellence




Review the objectives from Week One and discuss additional insights and questions


Resource:  Learning Team Toolkit


Create the Learning Team Charter (Due by Wednesday of Week 2)

Weekly Reminders

Discussion Questions

You only need to complete 2 of the DQ’s, however if you complete a third one, it will count towards your participation score.

Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score.


All Week: Remember to participate in the class discussions 4 out of 7 days during the week.

Summary of Week 1 Deliverables

Assignment Individual or Learning Team Location Due
Participation Individual Main Ongoing-4 days per week
DQ 1 Individual Main Thursday
DQ 2 OR 3 Individual Main Friday
Cognitive Psychology Definition Paper Individual Assignment Section Monday


Week Two

Attention and Perception


·         Explain the relationship between attention and cognition.

·         Analyze the role of perception in cognitive psychology.

·         Discuss the importance of visual perception.


Course Assignments




·         Read Ch. 3 & 4 of Cognition.

·         Review this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.




Due Day 3 (Thursday):  Discussion Question 1: Post your response in the Main Forum and begin responding to each other’s responses.  Please post your responses in the DQ threads.  Responses to each question should be approximately 200-300 words.


Due Day 4 (Friday):  Discussion Questions 2 OR 3:  Post your responses in the Main Forum and begin responding to each other’s response.  Please post your response in the DQ threads.  Responses to each question should be approximately 200-300 words.


Due Day 7 (Monday):  Phineas Gage Paper (12 points):  This paper should be posted as a Word attachment in the Assignment Section and should be consistent with APA guidelines.  Prepare a 700-1050-word paper in which you explain the role of the brain in cognitive functions.  As part of your explanation, describe what Phineas Gage’s accident revealed about how brain areas support cognitive function.  Cite at least one academic reference which may include the University Library, the Electronic Reserve Readings, the Internet, or other resources.   Be sure to include your Certificate of Originality which can be found either as a Word document in the Course Materials or also accessed through the Center for Writing Excellence.


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