Discussion: Inductive and deductive reasoning

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Discussion: Inductive and deductive reasoning

Discussion: Inductive and deductive reasoning


After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:

1. Compare inductive and deductive reasoning.

2. Define the concept, “problem”, in information processing terms and describe some ways to improve problem-solving abilities.

3. Discuss the “historical roots of methods for revealing mental processes.”

4. Describe the study of language production.

5. Explain how ambiguity in language can be resolved.

6. Give several examples of how context influences language and understanding.

7. Explain the role of visual imagery in cognition.

8. Discuss the importance of prototypes and schemas in cognition.

9. Describe what we know about the relation between cognition and brain activity.

Objective 11

After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:

1. Describe contrasting views of why human thinking is irrational and prone to error.

2. Explain the notions of heuristic thinking and analytical thinking.

3. Compare definitions of problem solving and decision making.

4. Describe the anchoring bias, availability heuristic, and representativeness heuristic.

5. Discuss why the way a problem is framed can influence a decision.

6. Define decision aversion.

7. Describe how risk affects decision making.

8. Describe at least one way in which memory and decision making can affect each other.

Objective 12

After viewing the television program and completing the assigned readings, you should be able to:

1. Compare emotion and motivation and describe their interrelationships.

2. Describe three theories concerning the sources of motivation.

3. Discuss some of the forces that drive the motivation to eat.

4. Describe some of the factors behind the motivation for sex.

5. Define the need for achievement.

6. Outline the attributions for success and failure in terms of a locus of control orientation.

7. Describe the major theories of emotion and the universality of its expression.

8. Describe the relationship between physical states and the experience of emotions.

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