Healthcare Administration

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Please review the file throrougly. Must have I text apa citation and reference page. 

Access the following files to complete this Assessment:

  • Huntington’s Outreach Project for Education, at Stanford. (2012). Medical marijuana policy in the United States. Retrieved from
  • Highway Loss Data Institute. (2013). . Bulletin, 30(9).
  • Borck, N. C. (2014). Weaker helmet laws increase motorcycle fatalities. Retrieved from
  • Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute. (2015). Motorcycle helmet use. Retrieved from
  • Frieden, T. R., Fujiwara, P. I., Washko, R. M., & Hamburg, M. A. (1995). . The New England Journal of Medicine, 333(4), 229–233.
  • Cooker, R. (2000). , 10(3), 161–163.
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