HealthCare Manager Assignment

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HealthCare Manager Assignment

HealthCare Manager Assignment


The Role of a Health Care Manager Assignment

Health care management is a growing profession. These managers are expected to manage inpatient and outpatient care facilities as well as non-direct care settings. Therefore, it is important for health care managers to understand the complexity of its roles and functions to build the necessary skills to help them be successful.

Complete the following table in which you identify and discuss the role of the health care manager in the following functions: organizing, planning, controlling and leading. In the spaces provided, ensure you identify and discuss them according to these guidelines:

  • Define each of the functions listed. You must define the function in your own words; do not copy the definition from a textbook.
  • Identify and discuss the role of a health care manager in the given function.
  • Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry.

Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft® Word document with your name in the file name.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the file to your facilitator.

Submitted by: [Type your name here.] The Role of a Health Care Manager Assignment

Function Identify the role of a health care manager in the function stated. Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry.

HCS 325 WEEK 5 The Role of a Health Care Manager Reflection

As you finish the Health Care Management course, refer back to The Role of a Health Care Manager worksheet. As you create your reflection, think about the following proposed topics as well as how your opinion and definitions have changed as a result of the material covered in class.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper summarizing your thoughts and reflection on your perspective of what are the roles and responsibilities of a health care manager. It may help to reflect on the following:

  • Has your definition of a health care manager changed based on this course? Why or why not? Discuss your rationale.
  • What skills and knowledge do you need to develop to prepare yourself to become a health care manager?

Format your summary according to APA guidelines.

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