Assignment: Growth & Development

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Assignment: Growth & Development

Assignment: Growth & Development

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In this assignment, you will critically evaluate articles in the field of adult development. Each week, you will read two articles from the Annual Editions: Human Development textbook (see the weekly readings for the chosen articles). For each article, do the following:
Write a summary.
Describe the main points of the article and how it relates to the week’s course and text readings.
Evaluate the article on the basis of your own thoughts and perspectives on the topic covered.
Write your responses in a Word document, and name it PSY2022_W1_A3_lastname_firstname.doc. By Tuesday, October 29, 2013, submit your work to the W1: Assignment 3 Dropbox.
Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic and should be original and free from plagiarism. Follow APA guidelines for the writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.

ARTICLES (name of articles and references for articles)
Article 1 Your DNA Decoded
Freiberg, K. (2013). Annual Editions: Human Development 13/14 (4th ed). McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions.
Retrieved from
Article 4 Unnatural Selection
Freiberg, K. (2013). Annual Editions: Human Development 13/14 (4th ed). McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions.
Retrieved from

Additional Requirements
Min Pages: 2
Max Pages: 2-3
Level of Detail: Only answer needed
Other Requirements: I have copied and pasted the references for the 2 articles that are to be used for the paper along with the name and number of the article. This is to be a summary paper of the articles with the directions copied and pasted in the question being asked. Please Help I really need it so I can get thru this class.

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