Assignment: Working with the Clients

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Assignment: Working with the Clients

Assignment: Working with the Clients


HS 255 WEEK 3 Differentiation When Working with Clients Resource: Review the “Family and Cultural Values” sections in Ch. 11-17 of Cultural Diversity, A Primer for the Human ServicesRead each section for the seven chapters.

Create a graph detailing the similarities and differences of each culture.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you examine any difficulties you may have in working with a certain population.

Note. This paper is private and will only be shared between you and your instructor. These difficulties can result from a myriad of reasons. It is best to address them and look at them organically.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your HS 255 WEEK 3 Differentiation When Working with Clients assignment.

HS 255 WEEK 3 El Contracto

Watch the “El Contracto” video in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

Write a 350-word review of the video. Include the following:

  • Find one element of the film which concerned you.
  • As a Human Services Worker how you would seek to help the Mexican citizens who worked at the tomato greenhouse?

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

HS 255 WEEK 3 Cultural Determinism, Identity, and Economic Mobility

Read or listen to Global Issues in Context: “Cultural Determinism, Identity, and Economic Mobility.”

Write a 350- to 700-word paper examining the following statement:

“It is important to note that the claim that the culture of those in poverty is the key variable for understanding disparities in achievement and income is not limited to the United States or the West; this is an argument made about intergroup disparities globally.”

Include the following in the paper:

  • Explain the role of culture and identity on disparities the article highlights:
  • Discuss any connections you draw from culture, identity and economic factors.
  • Consider any of these factors and the impact on helping clients.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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