Assignment: Preschool Plan

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Assignment: Preschool Plan

Assignment: Preschool Plan


Preschool Plan
For this Final Project, you will be given the opportunity to pull together everything you have learned these past five weeks into a cohesive classroom plan for a three- to five- year-old preschool program. The following is the make-up of your classroom.

You have 12 students total:

  1. Eight students are typically developing.
  2. One student has an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  3. One student exhibits the following behaviors but has not been diagnosed with any particular learning need or disability.
    1. Limited language
    2. Jumps from activity to activity
    3. Engages only in parallel play
  4. One student who has a Sensory Processing Disorder (e.g. she is sensitive to light, sound, smells, and textures such as paint, sand, glue, and clothing and she avoids physical proximity to people).
  5. One student who is both cognitively and linguistically advanced.

For this classroom plan, you must show your administration or director that you have the necessary strategies in place to effectively instruct each of your 12 students based on their individual needs. You will present this in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will be 14 to 16 slides (not including title and reference slides), one slide for each of the following elements:

  1. A title slide
  2. A reference slide
  3. Create a mission statement regarding developmentally appropriate practices with three- to five-year-olds (i.e. what is DAP and how does it apply to your teaching of these children?)
  4. An outline of the laws governing exceptional children that impact your instruction
  5. A description of the classroom environment you will provide for these 12 children
  6. A discussion of how you will communicate with the families of your students in order to meet the individual needs of each child
  7. A description of two to three specific instructional approaches you will utilize in your instruction, as well as why you feel your chosen approaches will be effective
  8. An explanation of your instructional techniques/plans for the eight typically developing students
  9. A description of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications, and services available to your student who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder
  10. A discussion of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to your student who exhibits certain behaviors but has not been diagnosed
  11. An explanation of your instructional plan, including accommodations, modifications and services available to your student who has a Sensory Processing Disorder
  12. A description of your instructional plan, including modifications/extensions for your student who is cognitively and linguistically advanced
  13. Create a sample lesson plan (use the )  showing how you will meet the needs of all learners for your chosen lesson (remember, the lesson you choose must be developmentally appropriate)
  14. An explanation of why you feel you have a comprehensive plan for meeting the needs of all of your students

You are encouraged to creatively address the material by including graphics, charts, and/or graphs. This presentation must be formatted according to APA style, including the title and reference slides and citing within slides when applicable. The notes section of the PowerPoint should be utilized in order to effectively elaborate on each necessary component. Lastly, you must use at least five scholarly resources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal article, book, website for a special education organization, etc.) as well as the course text. Remember to cite your sources throughout the presentation in order to support your ideas.

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