Assignment: Ethical Perspective Study

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Assignment: Ethical Perspective Study

Assignment: Ethical Perspective Study

Assignment: Ethical Perspective Study

Week 2 discussion An Ethical Perspective Topic 1 Select an ethical theory or principle that is most congruent with your ethical views. Identify an ethical dilemma presented in your readings. Describe how you could utilize the selected theory to resolve the ethical dilemma. Explain if the selected ethical theory could continue to be upheld under the circumstances of the dilemma. Topic 2 Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings and place yourself in one of the stages. Give your rationale for that placement. If none of the models or stages fits your experience, create your own model (or stage) and share it with the class.

Ethical perspectives are the positions we formulate on what are literally matters of life and death. When we want to find an ethical perspective, this means we are looking to “make a decision” and we want that decision to reflect a certain standard. Depending what the standard (or ethic) is, we will make a decision based on that, or throw out the standard if it does not agree with our lived experiences and plow ahead regardless of the warning the standard is trying to send.

It’s obvious that we discover along the way that we cannot always blame someone else for the decisions we made and that sometimes we have to use our best judgement and live with the outcome of our decision. Thus, even when the best thinking is applied, we will sometimes end up with a decision that we regret.

There is one important thing to remember with ethics. A society will likely have a standard of ethical behaviour to allows for “peace, order and good government.” If the ethics of that society are disrupted, where say “good” is now evil spoken of, and evil is now spoken of as being “good”, what we have is a disruption of the societal standard in order to please a group of individuals as they seek to disrupt their society, often for the sake of pursuing something that is not that great. For instance, if lotteries were “good” then we would all be buying tickets. Now a large number of people buy lottery tickets, but that does not make playing the lottery “good”, because overall, lotteries only benefit a few, and cost a lot of people a lot. but you could regulate the lottery that only good comes from it, but you cannot say that the ticket buyer who loses is gaining anything (especially if they blow their paycheck and leave their children grovelling for food). So overall, lotteries are “not good”, while doing some good, but ethically should be discouraged.


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