Case: Electronic Health Record

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Case: Electronic Health Record

Case: Electronic Health Record

Week 1 discussion

DQ1 After reviewing the two-system merger case presented with this week’s assignment, discuss the effects of mergers on integration of information utilizing the material in this week’s readings. Include security, privacy, legal implications, and the effects on interoperability.

DQ2 Discuss the interoperability of an electronic health record (EHR) in your current or past workplace. Provide examples from this week’s readings about the functions, significance, and factors that affect the use and implementation of the (EHR).

Week 2 discussion

DQ1 Visit the website:

Select the Newsroom Link at the top of the page. Review the issues and policies, press releases, in the news, and industry news links. Discuss one of the topics and how it relates to the content in the course.

DQ2 Select one of the standards discussed in this week’s assigned reading. Discuss the standard and how it helps achieve interoperability.

Week 3 discussion

DQ1 Explain how the Continuity of Care Document (CCD) can help meet meaningful use criteria.

DQ2 Discuss the purpose of HL7, CDA, and CCD, and how they have influenced current health care. In your responses, discuss how you see these affecting future informatics practices or changing over time.

Week 4 discussion

DQ1 Discuss the need for imaging standards in healthcare informatics. Utilize assigned reading and resources from this week to support your post.


Visit the following website and review the PowerPoint presentation. Then, discuss one of the sections of the CCR presented. Incorporate course resources to enhance your discussion on the topic.

Week 5 discussion

DQ1 Visit the following website and search for “diseases” (for example, infection). Discuss what word you searched for and what was returned. Were there challenges you noticed with the specificity of your search keyword? What did you learn and how would you approach a different search or guide a colleague in future searches?

DQ2 Examine the need to switch to ICD-10; explore challenges that healthcare organizations are facing in doing so. What have they done to overcome those challenges? Provide suggestions for future institutions that desire to switch to ICD-10.

Week 6 discussion

DQ1 Discuss how using a standard terminology like SNOMED CT helps achieve meaningful use. Use 2–3 specific examples.

DQ2 Review the ISMP List of High-Alert Medications in Acute Care Settings document at this link:

Complete a search for one of the medications from the ISMP lList. Discuss your findings (e.g., a search for “digoxin” returns one element in “ingredient,” three elements in Brand Name, four elements in dose form group, and 10 elements of “Clinical Drug or Pack”). Share your findings.

You can use as an additional reference.

Week 7 discussion

DQ1 Discuss an advantage and a disadvantage of using XML in health information systems. Explain the alternative file formats to XML and how they differ.

DQ2 Explain the purpose and use of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and discuss how it influences interoperability.

Week 8 discussion

DQ1 Discuss the advantages of standardizing nursing languages, and describe how standardized nursing languages are applied in the clinical setting.

DQ2 Discuss the application of a national EHR. Discuss whether you support or oppose the concept of national EHRs. Support with references.

Week 1 Achieving Interoperability in Times of Change Paper

A hospital system has acquired a cancer treatment center that does not currently have an electronic health record system.

Complete the two-system merger interactive scenario to get started.

Then briefly research the functions, significance, and factors that affect implementation of EHR technology discussed in the textbook.

Compose your paper discussing each listed component in APA format, citing a minimum of two scholarly resources in addition to the assigned reading. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length.

Week 2 HL7 Messaging Structure Paper

Discuss in a one-page paper what HL7 messaging structure is and why it is used. Provide an example of a real-world event that you have had occur and how that would translate into an HL7 message.

Utilize the assigned reading and a minimum of one outside scholarly resource.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Compose your paper in APA format. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Week 3 HL7, Interoperability, and Transitions of Care Paper

Write a two- to three-page paper discussing how the Health Level Seven (HL7) Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) and Continuity of Care Document (CCD) promote interoperability and transitions of care. In your paper, discuss the ways this affects technical, semantic, and process interoperability using examples from your own practice.

Utilize your course readings and a minimum of three outside scholarly resources in your paper.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Compose your paper in APA format. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Week 4 The Influence of DICOM Paper

In a two-page paper, describe the implementation, use, and necessity of DICOM in a new organization. Discuss the advantages of having DICOM and its effects on meaningful use and interoperability.

In addition to course resources, use a minimum of two additional scholarly resources.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Compose your paper in APA format. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Week 5 LOINC and Interoperability Paper

In a one-page paper, discuss the background, functions, and format of LOINC. Include the fields included in the database, and the ways LOINC affects interoperability.

Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in addition to the course resources.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. Compose your paper in APA format. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Week 6 Utilizing SNOWMED CT Website Activity and Reflection

Visit the website: Click for more options

Click on Local Extensions/United States.

In the database browser, search for a disorder, organism, procedure, or substance (e.g., naegleria > (disorder) > infection caused by naegleria).

Discuss the following:

What was your search item? (1–2 sentences)

How many search results did you get?

What is the purpose of SNOMED CT?

Write all the structures of your search item (e.g., “infection caused by naegleria”). It may be easier to use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to draw this structure.

Compose a one-page paper in APA format, citing a minimum of one scholarly resource.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years. A title page is not necessary, but you do need to include a reference page.

Week 7 XML Document

Create an XML document that contains a patient’s name, date of birth, address, phone number, name of contact person, one allergy, an adverse reaction, the severity, and the onset date (assume any calendar date).

Utilize the course and a minimum of two outside scholarly resources.

Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years.

Week 8 Signature Assignment: The Complexities of Interoperability Paper and Presentation

Since the start of the Affordable Care Act, many hospital systems have chosen to merge and form strategic partnerships to help reduce cost and expand resources. You will be examining the effect of mergers on informatics, EHR’s, and interoperability.

Complete the three-system merger interactive scenario to get started.

Remember this important background information from the scenario: Three healthcare systems have decided to merge.

System A consists of one large acute care hospital with 450 beds. Services range from outpatient surgery to inpatient services for cardiology, obstetrics, pediatrics, and chemical dependency. They have medical surgical floors, an extensive ER, and several intensive care units. They have a range of radiology and laboratory services.

System B consists of two acute care hospitals: one in the same city as System A’s acute care hospital and one in the same city as System C’s hospital. Both hospitals have approximately 150 beds. In addition to the acute care hospitals, the system also has a rehabilitation center, a cancer treatment center, 3 nursing homes, and 5 primary care offices.

System C has a 125-bed acute care facility in the same city as one of System B’s acute care hospitals. They also have approximately 10 primary care offices.

Part 1 Paper:

Compose a 7- to 8-page paper that covers information listed in the bullets below in APA format, citing a minimum of three scholarly resources in addition to course readings. Examples of scholarly sources include professional journal articles and books obtained from library databases, national guidelines, and informatics organizations, published within the last five years.

Discuss health information exchange (HIE), its importance, and the challenges faced when using it. Explore how HIE will affect this organization.

The three systems use two different electronic health records; they have decided to adopt a new EHR at all three systems after the merger. Describe interoperability and the ways this decision will affect interoperability between the facilities.

Describe the standards for communication, messaging, clinical documents, and imaging discussed throughout the course and what effect these may have on the organization.

Discuss the coding systems and considerations presented in this course and the components the organization should ensure are included when selecting or building a single EHR.

Considering this information, discuss meaningful use and in what ways you feel the organization’s decision will affect its financial stability.

Part 2 Presentation:

Prepare and present a two- to five-minute class presentation covering the material in your paper using the Kaltura recording tool. Please include a voice-over or video recording of yourself presenting your slides. See the Getting Started with Kaltura link in your main menu if you need to review how to use the tool.

Case: Electronic Health Record

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