Assignment: Enhancing Teaming

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Assignment: Enhancing Teaming

Assignment: Enhancing Teaming


Assignment: Enhancing Team and Organizational Performance

Building on your thorough review of the teams (and the organization through the lens of the teams), identify 4 to 6 challenges (i.e., problems, weaknesses, gaps, threats, opportunities for improvement, etc.) facing one or more of the teams and organization you have chosen for the final project. (UBER COMPANY)

Then, based on the knowledge you gained in this course, through previous course work, and through outside research, create a complete action plan to address the challenges you identified. Make sure you include the main concepts of the course and your weekly discoveries as you create and present your intervention action plan.

Consider the following questions as you are planning to make a sustainable difference in the team and organization:

  • What are the challenges that exist?
  • What systemic changes are required to make a sustainable difference for addressing those challenges? What benefit would the team/organization realize from the changes?
  • How would these systematic changes align with the overall organization design?
  • What are some potential consequences or impacts to the people involved? How would you reduce any negative impacts?
  • What are the action steps for the change process?
  • How would you lead this change process?
  • What internal team dynamics would you apply?

Be sure the action plan presents systemic solutions to address the team’s challenges and that your plan is clear, concise, and time bound. Assume you are the person in charge; you have the power to make the changes, or you are making the presentation to the executive board.

Your paper must be 5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page

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