Discussion: Topic- Team Development

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Discussion: Topic- Team Development

Discussion: Topic- Team Development


Discussion: Topic- Team Development and Strategic Planning


What are the primary challenges of organizational teams and how are Tuckman’s stages of team development involved?


Looking at an emotional intelligence (EI) model, how is emotional intelligence involved in a team member’s progression from independent worker to team player? Is there an EI competency that you consider to be the most important in this process? Why?

Unit 3: Topic- Individual Coaching


What are the most essential coaching competencies in the coach-client relationship? Why?


What evaluation assessments and tools would you use to identify a client’s development needs?

Unit4:Topic- Group Coaching


What are the most significant differences between group and individual coaching?


What are the most significant challenges for developing individuals in a group coaching setting?

Unit 5: Topic- Organizational Consulting


What are the most significant differences between organizational consulting and team member coaching?


What are two of the best practices for developing and applying a training intervention in organizations?

Unit 6: Topic-Conflict Management


Conflict in organizations, at all levels, is implied as being negative. Is there a time when conflict is considered positive? Explain.


If you were a consultant, how would you resolve conflict between team members?

Unit 7: Topic- Leadership, Power, Politics, and Influence


How do the different types of power, used by leaders, affect employees of the organization?


What leadership style has the most positive influence on employee performance and morale? Explain.

Unit 8: Topic- Ethical and Multicultural Issues


What are the most critical ethical dilemmas that consulting psychologists face today? Why?


Consider the research design and methodology expressed in Chapter 3 of the Martin dissertation. Would a similar design and methodology be suitable for your intended dissertation study? Why or why not?

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