Assignment: One-Sample t Test

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Assignment: One-Sample t Test

Assignment: One-Sample t Test


Criterion: Hand calculate a one-sample t test.

Data: Rex’s Flower Shop advertised fresh cut roses that last longer than other roses. The mean vase life for a rose is 8 days. The following is a sample of the number of vase life days for 9 bouquets of roses from Rex’s Flower Shop: 8, 6, 12, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 10.

Instruction: Complete the following:

a. State the nondirectional hypothesis.

b. State the critical t for α = .05 (two tails).

c. Calculate t. Show your work.

d. Answer: Is the vase life of Rex’s roses significantly different than the population mean? Explain.

Criterion: Hand calculate a one-sample t test.

Data: Rex’s Flower Shop advertised fresh cut roses that last longer than other roses. The mean vase life for a rose is 8 days. The following is a sample of the number of vase life days for 9 bouquets of roses from Rex’s Flower Shop: 8, 6, 12, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 10.

Instruction: Complete the following:

a. State the nondirectional hypothesis.

b. State the critical t for α = .05 (two tails).

c. Calculate t. Show your work.

d. Answer: Is the vase life of Rex’s roses significantly different than the population mean? Explain.

Criterion: Hand calculate a one-sample t test.

Data: Rex’s Flower Shop advertised fresh cut roses that last longer than other roses. The mean vase life for a rose is 8 days. The following is a sample of the number of vase life days for 9 bouquets of roses from Rex’s Flower Shop: 8, 6, 12, 11, 8, 9, 14, 15, 10.

Instruction: Complete the following:

a. State the nondirectional hypothesis.

b. State the critical t for α = .05 (two tails).

c. Calculate t. Show your work.

d. Answer: Is the vase life of Rex’s roses significantly different than the population mean? Explain.

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