Assignment: Hypothesis Testing and z Score

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Assignment: Hypothesis Testing and z Score

Assignment: Hypothesis Testing and z Score


  • Criterion: Evaluate a null hypothesis based on      analysis of data.
  • Data: Joan      is 72 inches tall. The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches,      and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches.
  • Instructions:

a. State the null hypothesis.

b. State the alternative hypothesis.

c. Answer this: Joan is taller than what percentage of women in the population? (Hint: Think z score and area under the normal curve.)

d. Answer this: Given Joan’s height as compared to the population mean, do you expect to reject the null hypothesis? Explain your answer.

  • Criterion: Evaluate a null hypothesis based on      analysis of data.
  • Data: Joan      is 72 inches tall. The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches,      and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches.
  • Instructions:

a. State the null hypothesis.

b. State the alternative hypothesis.

c. Answer this: Joan is taller than what percentage of women in the population? (Hint: Think z score and area under the normal curve.)

d. Answer this: Given Joan’s height as compared to the population mean, do you expect to reject the null hypothesis? Explain your answer.

  • Criterion: Evaluate a null hypothesis based on      analysis of data.
  • Data: Joan      is 72 inches tall. The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches,      and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches.
  • Instructions:

a. State the null hypothesis.

b. State the alternative hypothesis.

c. Answer this: Joan is taller than what percentage of women in the population? (Hint: Think z score and area under the normal curve.)

d. Answer this: Given Joan’s height as compared to the population mean, do you expect to reject the null hypothesis? Explain your answer.

  • Criterion: Evaluate a null hypothesis based on      analysis of data.
  • Data: Joan      is 72 inches tall. The average (mean) height for adult women is 65 inches,      and the standard deviation is 3.5 inches.
  • Instructions:

a. State the null hypothesis.

b. State the alternative hypothesis.

c. Answer this: Joan is taller than what percentage of women in the population? (Hint: Think z score and area under the normal curve.)

d. Answer this: Given Joan’s height as compared to the population mean, do you expect to reject the null hypothesis? Explain your answer.

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