Assignment on personality traits

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Assignment on personality traits

Assignment on personality traits


Assignment on identification of personality traits



Please share a team-building exercise that you have participated in at your workplace or a former workplace. It can be a full team-building activity, an icebreaker, etc. Please briefly outline the activity, discuss how the activity went overall, what you gained personally from participating, and how you believe the components of the activity were targeted to improving an element of organizational behavior, i.e. communication, identification of personality traits, conflict resolution, increased collaboration, etc. Please support your viewpoints based upon your perception of the activity that other learners will be able to assess and debate within our weekly discussion forum.






Provide your personal summary on the article Neuroscience of Engagement by David Rock & Dr. Yiyuan Tang. What were your primary takeaways from this article based upon your perception? Was there anything that you disagreed with in the article based upon your professional experience? Please provide 1-2 examples to support your viewpoints that other learners will be able to assess and debate within our weekly discussion forum.


This article was published in the neuroleadership jouRnal. The attached copy is furnished to the author for non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the author’s institution, sharing with colleagues and providing to institutional administration.

Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third- party websites are prohibited.

in most cases authors are permitted to post a version of the article to the personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding the neuroleadership jouRnal’s archiving and management policies are encouraged to send inquiries to:

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