Assignment: environment and learning

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Assignment: environment and learning

Assignment: environment and learning


Assignment: The effects of the environment on learning

Discussion Topic

Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner are considered the originators of behaviorism. All contributed to learning theory. All three of the researchers studied the effects of the environment on learning.

Select one of the three behaviorists who, in your opinion, offers the most compelling argument for the use of behaviorism when teaching a new subject to an adult and to a child. Identify that behaviorist, then answer the following questions about his approach:

  1. Describe how that behaviorist would teach an adult a new skill. Be specific; what is the skill?
  2. What steps would the behaviorist use?
  3. Would that behaviorist use a different approach with a child?
  4. Why do you think this behaviorist’s approach is best?
  5. What issues or problems do you find in the other two behaviorists’ approaches?

Internet-Based Assessment

Access to computerized, Internet-based assessments has grown exponentially in the last 10 years. Individuals seek out self-help information for a variety of issues, including career-related challenges. This widespread public access to career assessments creates both potential advantages and disadvantages. Part of the responsibility of the career counselor is to assist clients in finding meaning in career assessments and utilizing that information to assist them in making informed decisions. In many cases, clients who seek career information online do not receive support from trained career counselors. In addition, many career assessment tools, including decision-making scales and questionnaires, fail to take culture into consideration. In addition to being aware of how culture may impact the clients’ decision-making process, career counselors must recognize how their culture may impact interaction in the counseling session.

Review the Balke, Kruzic, & Way (2016) article. Address the following questions in this forum:

  • Do you believe clients can make informed decisions based on self-administered, Internet-based assessments?
  • What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of widespread access to career assessments?
  • Do you believe it is important for the career counselor to have a clear understanding of his/her own culture? Why or why not?
  • What impact does culture have on the client’s decision-making process? How might this impact your work with diverse clientele?
  • What role do you see the career counselor taking in the future?

Your post should be at least 300 words. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings by Day 7

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