
here i put week-1 assignment.


first you have to choose any move it should be greek themes.


Write about that move like what is hero, producer, when it made, what is themes, why i choose this move,and what you know more about move etc….

than give below (9) question answer in your own words. don’t make copy from any where. it must be own words.

Having completed the lecture and the readings for this week, select a literary work (a poem, short story, novel, or film) that resonates with epic themes and compose an essay that includes the following information:

1.      Give a brief (one paragraph) summary of your literary work or film.

2.      Is your protagonist a hero or an antihero?

3.      How does your protagonist relate to society?

4.      In what ways is your literary work or film Greek?

5.      What epic qualities are evident in your work?

6.      What is the theme of your selection?

7.      Is your chosen work universal? In what ways?

8.      What is the aesthetic value of your chosen work? 

9.      Rate the literary value of your selection, and give reasons for your rating.

Use only the lecture, your textbook, and your brain. You do not need to conduct any outside research and you should not. Take your cue from Sir Philip Sidney, “‘Fool!’ said my muse to me, ‘Look in thy heart, and write!'”

The intent of this assignment is to engage you in an original contemplation of epic, the Greeks, and literature or films that emanate from Greek foundations of literature. You do not need to find ideas on the Internet. You are encouraged to create, invent, and originate a point of view. Use the Threaded Discussion area to seek your peers’ and professor’s advice and guidance.

The essay should be three to four pages in APA style (citing your textbook material appropriately, according to the APA format).


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