Litterature presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation on a legendary figure, place, item, or event from world literature (1600 CE or earlier). It should contain roughly 800 words of text and some form or forms of other media (art, music, etc.). 

Note that all writing in the project should be original; the projects will be run through Turnitin upon submission, and all distinctive matching information caught by Turnitin must be formatted as a quotation.  Any multimedia (art, music) inserted or linked in the presentation should also include full bibliographic information.

Please include: a title page MLA style citations/works cited page.  The project’s text should be 800 words long or so. 

The chosen figure/place/event/item should be known before 1600 CE and  be primarily legendary or mythological, not historical. The presentation needs to include a combination of information and analysis, so make sure  to choose a figure, etc. that lends itself to analysis.

Required sources: . at least 5 secondary/critical sources; 2 must be peer-reviewed . at least 1 primary source (literary text, artwork) written/created before 1600

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