Respond to the questions below for 1 and 2, reading material is attached, APA in text citation and reference, no minimum. Also be familiar with the 3 major theories Kantian, Utilitarian and Virtue Ethics Due tomorrow 9/14 8pm
1. Do Corporations have a conscience?
Provide a conclusion to whether or not Corporations should be viewed as if they had a conscience?
My answer is, they do not have a conscience
What reasoning best supports your conclusion?
Pick at least one of the example parables/essays listed
to the left at the link for “Can a Corporation Have a Conscience” and incorporate its lessons/focus into
your discussion.
The parables are: The Ring of Gyges, The Insufficiency of Honesty,
The Parable of the Sadhu, and The Prince.
Please consider how the traditional ethical theories are either supported or challenged in the parable
or essay you have chosen to consider.
2 Corporate Social Responsibility
Our course materials this week look at the question of corporate social responsibility from many different angles.
All of the angles seem to struggle with several different – and potentially difficult – points of balance:
• profit versus purpose
Pick one of these conflicts and consider which account of how best to resolve the balance is most compelling to you, and explain why.
Make sure you adequately explain and cite the course material arguments you found most persuasive. Is it true that there is any view that
would do away with the conflict between the two values altogether? Give an alternate explanation of how one of the traditional ethical
theories would counsel that we balance the competing interests, having selected the ethical theory that you think would give the best
You might also give an actual example of this conflict to enrich our discussion.
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