Busniess Ethics Review Paper

reviews has to be 5-6 pages long.

These reviews, which identify and critique the key themes in a section’s readings, are intended to demonstrate that the readings have been read and understood.


Reviews may be considered as policy or management briefings intended to convey the key elements and importance of the topic to readers who need to be informed effectively in a limited amount of text.  They should be prepared to a standard of research papers and use proper systems of citation.




ch. 4, “Corporate Governance:  Foundational Issues”

ch.5, “Strategic Management and Corporate Public Policy

ch. 6, “Issue, Rick, and Crisis Management”


ch. 8, “Personal and Organizational Ethics”


I atteched the textbook below.

 Corporate Culture:  A bad apple or a bad barrel?; “I was just following orders; No more groupthink!


Assadourian, Erik, “When Good Corporations Go Bad,” Worldwatch, May/June 2005 http://www.worldwatch.org/node/575

Corporate Goverance

Hinkley, Robert, “28 Words to Redefine Corporate Duties: The Proposal for a Code for Corporate Citizenship,” Multinational Monitor, July/August 2002


Cauterucci, Christina, “Male Corporate Board MembersAren’t Stoked about Adding Women to Their Ranks,” Slate, October 13, 2016


B Corps http://www.bcorporation.net/


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