Pacific Cataract And Laser Istitute: Competing In The Lasik Eye Surgery Market

Please read pages 763-777 (Case 17) of the course textbook Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations. Create a 4-to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document that answers the following questions.


  1. What stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) is the laser eye care market in and what are some indicators of the stage? Using the Product Adoption/ Diffusion, describe the group of consumers who should be targeted in this stage of the PLC.
  2. Using Michael Porter’s genetic strategy framework, describe the generic strategy that LLV is using compared to PCLI’s generic strategy.
  3. Describe the major sources of LLV’s cost advantage over PCLI? Which source provides LLV with the most significant cost advantage? Do these sources of cost advantage have any impact on quality?
  4. Given the price competition strategies used by Canadian clinics and some U.S. clinics, what can PCLI do to more effectively compete for customers in the LASIK surgery market? Specifically, how should PCLI position itself relative to these low cost competitors?
  5. Advertising and marketing are new to the U.S. optometric services industry. Compare the two newspaper advertisements in Case Exhibits 3 and 5. Discuss whether you think the push communication strategy works better than the pull communication strategy. Should PCLI also follow a price discount advertising theme? In consideration of the U.S. medical community’s ethical concerns with advertising medical services, what other promotional mix elements might be used?




  • Clearly define the problem to be solved or identify symptoms the suggest an underlying problem
  • Who are the stakeholders in this situation and how are they involved or impacted by this problem?
  • What alternatives should be considered in solving this problem? Please quantify where possible.
  • Indicate which alternative you would recommend and why?
  • How do you expect that each of the stakeholders will react to your recommendation?
  • Indicate the potential risks if this recommendation turns out to be wrong.
  • Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, websites, and other references or personal experience.




Length: 4 or more pages


References: 5 or more


APA format


  • attachment


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