Sales And Marketing
Lesson 6
Activity 1: Design Your Advertising Campaign
Using the information learned during Task 6, design an advertising campaign for a new line of product or service for your company.
Some additional starting points include:
The campaign should be specific to the company and product/service, be based on the brand, be realistic and achievable for the company, financially responsible, and include at least 5 different modes of reaching the intended audience.
Read this article before you go too far – Promotional Campaign vs Advertising.
Activity 2: Case Studies on Play-Doh and Lego
Read the case studies on Play-Doh and Lego. Analyze their social media use in advertising. Write a short report (2-3 pages long) explaining:
Focus on:
- What does each company do? What products are they marketing and advertising?
- What are their advertising strategies?
- How is social media used to enhance their presence and connection to the customer?
- How do they use technology?
- What are the effects?
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