SOCI 1010 University on Central of Venezuela Chapter 5 & 9 Max Weber Worksheet



use the book to answer the questions


same as the pervious work and concept


Good luck




Hello every one! Here are the instructions for


answering the weekly assigned chapter questions.


For each chapter, I have chosen 2-3 questions for you to answer. These questions cover the important parts of each chapter, and they are a way for you to express your own personal reactions to the text. They are also a way to show me you understand the material and reviewed the chapter online. Be creative! Have fun with this assignment. I look forward to reading your perspectives!


You are free to submit these assignments weekly, and you can email me for questions- I am willing to provide feedback if you would like to send me a draft of your paper (if sent days prior to due date).


Start each page off with the following heading:


Your Name


Course Number: SOCI1010-MI


Prof. Jennifer Lawer


Date: September 4, 2016


Questions for Analysis: Chapter 1


Also cut and paste this citation for the textbook:


Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach 12th Ed. By James M. Henslin. Pearson: Edwardsville, 2013. Pp. viii – 479.


(Quotes: Quotations from textbook are welcome. Just include quotation marks and the page number in parentheses: “Example” (Henslin, p.1)).


Also include the question that you are answering in italics. Then write your response below.


  • According to Durkheim, why do men and women have different suicide rates? Please feel free to include your own personal reflections.


Please answer in complete sentences.Double spaced. 12 point font.


Here are some tips and FAQs for Writing the Questions for Analysis


Tips and FAQs



  • Illustrate your brain’s interaction with the readings. Focus on ANALYSIS (not summary).
  • Try and introduce the main idea of your paragraph in the first few sentences of each paragraph. This will make your paper easier to follow. It also helps the reader understand the purpose of each paragraph in the first few lines.
  • You are free to use the text book as much or as little as you want; just show me that you understand the concept in the book.
  • Illustrate your knowledge of the text with details and vocabulary words when possible.
  • * I will include additional details on the audio slides to help clarify ideas that pertain to the questions of analysis.
  • Do not use contractions (such as ain’tcan’t and shouldn’t).
  • Do not use “a lot” in your paper.
  • Do not use split infinitives, such as “to quickly run”.
  • Avoid long paragraphs. (Try to create a new paragraph after 6-8 sentences).


CHAPTER FIVE AND NINE: (approximately 4 pages)

Chapter 5:

  1. Max Weber commented on the ways that Bureaucracies shaped society. What are some of the positive and negative traits of bureaucracies? Have you experienced success/frustration by some aspect of bureaucracy? Please share your own personal thoughts and feel free to supplement with ideas from the textbook and power point slides.


Please answer the following questions based on “The Milgram Experiment”. (Video clip is available online at: and additional reading found on p. 155 in the text and Mistakes Were Made but Not By Me Chapters 1 and 2.


  1. Why do you think obedience dropped when subjects were moved into closer physical proximity? Can you think of other examples where obedience to authority may drop depending on proximity to those affected?



  1. Can you think of similar situations where people are confronted with a difficult situation that calls for a defiance of authority? You can mention similarities between this study and any organization, political event, or personal group.


  1. According to the book Mistakes Were Made, “How do you get an honest man to lose his moral compass?” (p. 50). What are some similar situations that carry momentum? You can use any example from Mistakes Were Made or provide your own personal example.

Chapter 9:

  1. On p. 84 the authors provide examples of how prejudice can justify mistreatment of “others”. Give any example of how cognitive dissonance is used to justify racial/ethnic/religious prejudice.




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