ISOL 632 Texas A&M ISCP OEP Continuity of Operations Plan BIP of JPMorgan Chase Paper
ISOL 632 Texas A&M ISCP OEP Continuity of Operations Plan BIP of JPMorgan Chase Paper
Continuity of Operations Plan BIP of JPMorgan Chase Paper
Choose a company (real or fictitious) to create 4 of the 6 plans below for:
It should include a as below
A.Title page
B.Introduction page (What company and why they need these plans).
1.Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP)
2.Critical Information Restoration Plan (CIRP)
3.Business Incident Response Plan (BIP)
4.Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP)
5.Critical Incident Protection (CIP)
6.Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
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