CDA 4253 University of South Florida Simple Sequential Circuits Project
CDA 4253 University of South Florida Simple Sequential Circuits Project
Simple Sequential Circuits Project
Spring 2021 CDA 4253 FPGA System Design Homework
A4 Simple Sequential Circuits
1 Problems
(1) Design a 4-bit shift register with the following interface specification
Signal Mode #bits Description
clock input 1 clock signal
reset input 1 synchronous reset; clear state of the register to all ’0’s
din input 4 data input
load input 1 when ’1’, load data din(3:0) in parallel; otherwise, load
din(0) serially
left input 1 When ’1’, shift dout left; otherwise shift dout right. It
is active only when Load is ’0’.
dout output 4 if load = ’1’, dout ← din. Otherwise, if left =
’1’, dout(3 : 0) ← dout(2 : 0)&din(0); if left = ’0’,
dout(3 : 0) ← din(0)&dout(3 : 1).
What to do.
• Create a testbench to simulate it to make sure it models the required functions
• Implement the design (Select ’Run Implementation’ on the left pane in Vivado),
and generate the implementation report.
(2) Suppose the clock frequency is 100 MHz. Create a design in VHDL such that it outputs
one cycle pulse every millisecond. The interface of the design is below.
Signal Mode #bits Description
clock input 1 100 MHz clock signal
reset input 1 synchronous reset; cause to start recording time from the
tick 1ms output 1 ’1’ for one cycle if 1ms has elapsed since the last reset or
the last tick
What to do. Implement the design (Select ’Run Implementation’ on the left pane
in Vivado), and generate the implementation report.
2 Evaluation
You will get up to 70% of the credits if your designs cannot be implemented.
Spring 2021 CDA 4253 FPGA System Design Homework
3 Requirements
1. Create a folder A4-your-name for this assignment, which holds design project files.
2. For problem x where x is either 1 or 2, create a separate project and place the project
under the folder A4-your-name/problem-x.
3. If necessary, create a README file to explain organization of your submission if necessary.
4. To submit, zip the entire folder A4-your-name, and upload it to Canvas.
Note: Make sure that your zipped file is in the ZIP format to avoid any potential issues
in opening your files.
Note: Make sure that you copy all necessary files into the projects.
5. Make sure that you do NOT modify your work before the HW grading is finished in
case that your original work needs to be examined.
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