US Information Accounting System Worksheet

US Information Accounting System Worksheet

US Information Accounting System Worksheet

51) How can a well-designed AIS make strides the productivity and viability of a company’s value  chain?

Answer:  The AIS can be designed to allow customers direct access to a company’s inventory and sales order entry systems. This allows the customer to do more of the work that traditionally has been done by sales, marketing, and administration personnel. This allows for faster ordering, and cuts the company’s labor costs. It may also have the effect of allowing the customer more control in a purchase transaction that may bring more satisfaction and value to the customer.

Concept:  The value of accounting information systems

Objective:  Learning Objective 3

Difficulty:  Moderate

AACSB:  Reflective Thinking




40) Recognize the mistake(s) in each flowchart fragment.


  1. Figure a – the sort symbol should be a manual operation symbol.
  2. Figure b – the file update symbol should be a computer operation symbol, and the arrow from transaction file should flow into file update.
  3. Figure c – the arrows should point from left to right and a computer operation symbol is needed between the source data and the master file symbols.
  4. Figure d – the symbol for Endorsed should be a manual operation symbol, and endorsed checks are sent to the bank, so the file symbol should be replaced with a terminal symbol.

Concept:  Flowcharts

Objective:  Learning Objective 2

Difficulty:  Challenging

AACSB:  Reflective Thinking




Utilize the chart underneath to reply the taking after questions with respect to stream chart images.


41) Which image would be utilized in a flowchart to speak to the image for a record?

  1. A) #9
  2. B) #5
  3. C) #6
  4. D) #15

Answer:  A

Concept:  Flowcharts

Objective:  Learning Objective 2

Difficulty:  Easy

AACSB:  Analytical Thinking


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