Need By Tuesday 12 (Noon)….2 questions…minimum 250 words each

Expectations defined: Answer the following questions with a minimum of 250 words. You will be asked to select a quote from the reading to incorporate in your answer. This means that you will also include an in-text citation and reference for each quote (Author, year, p. X). Your response should be a substantial response to each question




QUESTIION 1: Do Li-Young Lee and Cathy Song share a similar style or do they differ, and what do we learn about cultural from the Turn of the Century writers? Explain.




            1. Li-Young Lee


Secret Life, Become Becoming, Earth Unsung, From Blossoms, Little Ache, The Moon From Any Window


            2. Cathy Song


The Man Moves Earth, The Kindness of Others, A Prayer for My Mother, The Girl Can Run




QUESTION 2: How has our thinking about categories such as the color-line, mestiza, borderlines, minority-majority sexuality, or ability-disability changed or influenced the way we talk about cultural diversity today? When we consider cultural diversity, does further complicate or challenge these views? Why or why not? Explain.


**Authors/Selections for Reference


1. W.E.B. DuBois: Souls of Black Folk, Forethought and Chapter XIV


2. Fredrick Douglas: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July


3. Zora Neale Hurston: The Gilded Six Bits   


4. Langston Hughes: You and Your Whole Race and Remember


5. Sandra Cisneros: Geraldo No Last Name and Dirt


6. Judith Ortiz Cofer:   The Witch’s Husband and Not For Sale


7. Helen Hunt Jackson: A Century of Dishonor


8. Sherman Alexie, Jr.: Flight


9. Li-Young Lee: Secret Life, Little Ache, and Earth Unsung


10. Cathy Song: The Man Moves Earth, The Kindness of Others, and The Girl Can Run


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