Essay for To what extent does The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass reflect both abolitionist ideals and the transcendental ideals as they are expressed in “Self Reliance” and “Resistance to Civil Government”?


American Literature

Paper Topic 1 

For your first paper you are task with responding to the following prompt:

To what extent does 

The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass reflect both abolitionist ideals and the transcendental ideals as they are expressed in “Self Reliance” and “Resistance to Civil Government”? 

In total this paper should between 2-3 pages, typed in a time new Roman font, and doubled 

spaced. It should have a MLA heading which includes your last name and page number in the  paper’s heading. Below I’ve included a checklist to help guide you through the process. 


Does the introduction succinctly summary the novel?

Does the introduction have a clearly defined thesis?


Is / are there body paragraph(s) that discuss the novel’s anti-slavery arguments?

Is / are there body paragraph(s) that discuss the novel’s connection to transcendentalism?

Are the body paragraphs supported with direct evidence from the text, including summaries of the text and direct quotes?

Do the body paragraphs fully develop the argument by explaining why the evidence presented is important?

Do the body paragraphs draw a connection between the arguments presented in the 



Does the conclusion explain why this text is particularly important?

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