reading a visual: You will need to have the book "Literature for Compositions An Introductions to Literature" 10th Edition)

reading a visual



*  Start with this reading.

*  Read chapter 16 in your textbook.

1.  Pick one of these two visual pieces and explain it using what you’ve learned in the chapter:

          *  Gone Girl (  Don’t let this website confuse you–it’s just a movie promo and the two alternating pages are all you need to do the assignment.

          *  The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ( If you do this one, think about the website overall, but use only one or two images for the specific examples to make your points.

(I chose these two movies because they are very different from one another! If you aren’t fimiliar with them, Gone Girl is a mystery of a missing wife and the husband suspected of killing her. Discovering what happened proves messy. Best Marigold is an ensemble movie of aging Brits moved to India so their retirement dollars stretch further. There they find new chapters to their lives.)

2.  Treat the visuals like a written piece that has a “desert island.” Remember that I said writers make sure every word is important to the story? Graphic novelists, advertisers, and designers do that, too, but with the added complication that every part of the visual supporting the words is also important to the story.

3.  Before turning in the essay, be sure that your explanations tell readers where and why you see pathos, logos, and ethos in the visuals+text. For Gone Girl, the site is a fake based on the book/movie, but you should go ahead and discuss the components as though they were real. For Best Marigold, here again use just one or two of the images to make your points (although they can be different images than mentioned in support of the chapter, if you’d like.) 

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