Watchthis video on Psychoanalytical literary criticism: Psychoanalytic Criticism Choose two main characters from one of the stories we have read in this unit. Identify an important conflict these two characters share (either between each other or a conflict from outside the relationship).  Consider how psychological factors within the two people affect resolving this conflict. Recall that the video talks not only about the Id, Ego, and Superego, but also about stress, depression, PTSD, grief, and so on. In particular, look at different ways the characters view masculinity. Do varying ideas of masculinity cause, or exacerbate, the conflict? Write three paragraphs about the following, using direct quotations and paraphrases (with in-text citations) to support your claims): First paragraph Identify the two characters and the conflict you will analyze. Second paragraph Analyze psychological factors that seem to be motivating these characters, especially in what it means to be, for example, a “good” man or a “strong” father or a “loving” husband. Third paragraph Explain how these factors and this conflict contribute to meanings of the story.. Post a three-paragraph response to the discussion board by clicking on the title of this activity or through the Discussion Board main menu on the left.  Link for Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QCvI9XrEk8

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