The Academic Argument Essay Assignment

  The Academic Argument Essay AssignmentRead and review the attached 104 academic argument essay sheet listed below.
104 Academic Argument Essay.doc
  Unit 4 – Template for the Academic Argument Essay  Assignment Purpose: The second essay in EN 104 is an academic argument with research documented in APA format.  In this assignment, you will use the principles of argument advocate for a position on an issue.  You will use evidence to persuade your reader to see your point of view.

Assignment Description: Using the APA template in Word, create a template for your academic argument essay.  Include the following:
Title page with running head An introductory paragraph that ends with the thesis statement A heading and some notes for background information Headings and some notes for your main point sections A heading and some notes for opposing views A heading for the conclusion A reference page (you don’t need to have your sources, yet, but if you have some, put them on) Assignment Parameters:
See a sample here: Sample template for the argument essay.docx

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