The Dutchman Essay Question

Disset Clay’s monologue and use other plays assigned to class to identify specific ideas and concepts that resonate with the African American community. 


Other plays assignrd to class that should be used in the essay includes: 

A Sunday Morning In The South 

A Raisin In The Sun 

Big White Fog

Mine Eyes Have Seen 


I would like for you to use three of this plays to help identify specific ideas and concepts that resonate with the african american community along with The Dutchman. But I do not think it is necessary to read those plays completely. Summaries are available and should be enough to write the essay. But you should read The Dutchman since the essay is mainly about that play. (It isn’t a very long play) The ideas and concepts that my professor is getting at includes basically the struggle that can come with being African American. You should get an idea once you begin to read the summaries of the other plays and the play The Dutchman. 

**For Daisy Arabella

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