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Click here to read “How Ruth Gleaned in the Field of Boaz,” an account about Ruth and Naomi. attach below

Draft a 200-word response that includes what is morally instructive about the rewards of kindness and love in the reading. 

CAUTION: Do not simply re-tell the account of Ruth and Naomi. Your response must focus on what is morally instructive about the rewards of kindness and love, the theme of this account of Ruth’s story.


Response journals must be prepared in MLA essay format like the model essay, including a creative title. This is free-style writing. No research, thesis, or Works Cited page is required for the response journals.



Read “The Arab and His Camel,” a folk story told by Horace Elisha Scudder. It is believed by some that the story originated from an old Arab proverb, “Beware of the Camel’s Nose.” Click here to read the story. attached below

Considering the actions of the impudent camel and the amenable attitude of the Arab, draft a 200-word (minimum) response that includes your own thoughts about confronting those who take advantage of the naiveté of others, and what is morally instructive about the last sentence in the story.

Answer this question in your response: How does “The Arab and His Camel” relate to the Daniel Solove passage above?

CAUTION: Do not simply re-tell “The Arab and His Camel.” Assume that your audience has read the story several times.


Response Journal 3: Click here to read Paul du Chaillu’s  “Courtship and Marriage in Africa – Buying a Wife.”Attach below
After reading the entire account of Chaillu’s visit to Njali-Coudié, draft a 200-word essay response that specifically addresses the following excerpt by Chaillu in the reading:
Mbango had a beautiful girl, whom he seemed to love dearly, and she was not betrothed. One day a fellow came from a neighboring village. He had with him a slave to give to Mbango, several jars of palm wine, a goat, some native tobacco coming from a country of the interior, called Ashira, and he put all these things at the feet of Mbango, who was seated on a stool and ready to hear him. After having talked a long time, he presented his slave, his goat, and all the presents he had brought with him to the King, and asked his daughter in marriage.
Old Mbango got up and pretended to be in a furious rage, but it was all sham; he kicked and broke the jars of palm wine. How could a man come and presume to offer him only one slave for his daughter, she who was sought after by so many suitors? He could not believe his ears; and Mbango went roaming about, brandishing his cane. In the mean time the poor fellow had fled in dismay, leaving his slave, his goat, and all his presents behind.
All journals require a title. Compose a creative title for the journal. For example: A Goat and a Slave.
CAUTION: Do not simply re-tell Chaillu’s account of his visit to Njali-Coudié. Your response must focus on your opinion about the excerpt above.



 read “The Frog and the Snake.” attach below

Draft a 200-word (minimum) essay response that includes what could be morally instructive about forming personal relationships.

CAUTION: Do not simply re-tell “The Frog and the Snake.” Assume that your audience has already read it. Your response should focus on your reaction to and thoughts about the story’s message as it relates to what is morally instructive about forming personal relationships (the manner in which we befriend others).

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