Topic: Exporting American fashion to Eastern Europe

Topic: Exporting American
fashion to Eastern Europe

I am looking to do a paper on American fashion (clothing) to be distributed and sold in
Eastern Europe mainly in Poland. Examine how to
create a business proposal format or a business plan.

Also, below you will find 4 individual assignments which I will need ASAP. Except, the last
one #4 which is due 10-13-13. They are to be used in The Final Paper.

Main Elements and

The final paper (not including the title page or bibliography) should be 8-10 pages
double spaced. 

 Title Page – Your name, plan name and date.

  • Executive Summary – Remember, this is all
         most people read.  Make sure to
         present the idea, its profitability and requirements in less than a
  • Introduction – This is the start of your
         plan.  State what you want to
         import/export and to which country. 
         Give a brief description of the product/idea to give the reader an
         exact understanding of what you want to accomplish.


For the next phase of your final project, conduct a brief summary of the country you want to export
to. Examine factors like wages and income and cultural factors they may be
relevant to your plan. Research any other critical country factors that you may
find that have the potential to affect your business.

Compile your data into a detailed report of about 1-2 pages and submit that
report in this module.


For this module’s portion of your final project, do a brief study on the market demand for your product. If the product does not already exist in that country, you can use a similar product
to look up demand figures. There are many industry specific sites on the
internet you can use to learn about current consumption around the world.
Describe who your target market is for this product.

Next, determine how you will price your product by developing a pricing
strategy. In this module you have learned about the various pricing structures
of competition-based pricing, cost-plus pricing, skimming, limit pricing,
market-oriented pricing, penetration pricing and premium pricing. For this
portion of your final project, you will need to pick a price and pricing
strategy and explain why this is the correct strategy for this market based on
your research.

The resource section for this module contains two websites that will teach you
about pricing strategies and how business strategy helps determine which
pricing strategy to use. 
of scale

Pricing strategy

Based on your research do you think the pricing strategy and price is correct?  Are there additional
factors that should be considered?  If so, please include these factors in
your analysis.

Finally, discuss the supply chain management structure for your product by
addressing the following questions:

How will you get your product to the final consumer?  How will you build your transportation

How will you handle insurance and payments? 

Will you need intermediaries to handle some parts of the supply chain or will you keep it in-house?

Make sure to address these issues clearly and concisely. This milestone should be approximately 3-4 pages in length.


In this module, you will continue with your import/export business venture by developing a distribution channel for your product. The following websites contain information on how to build a channel
and current trade barriers that need to be considered when developing a channel. 

Building Distribution Channels


Understanding Supply Chain Video

Current trade barriers

Based on your research, do a short write-up (1–2 pages) of
your distribution channel. What partners would you need?  Are there any
special considerations to take into account? 

Remember to address transportation and retail aspects in your review. Make sure
to cite your sources.

Assignment#4 Due 10-13-13

The final two areas that need to be covered in your import/export business plan are
government and regulatory concerns and financials.

Are there any government regulations that may affect your business? Look at
both the home country from which you export and the foreign country which you
will import to. How will these regulations add to your cost?  One hidden
cost to consider is customs storage.  How long does it take for your
product to clear customs and at what cost?  Write a brief (1-2 page)
analysis in which you identify and analyze these concerns.

Then, finalize your business plan with a three-year financial projection.
Include your assumptions about revenue growth and sales. Make sure to calculate
the return on investment. It is suggested that you do this in an Excel sheet
and paste it into the final report.

Main Elements and

The final paper (not including the title page or bibliography) should be 8-10 pages
double spaced.   

  • Title Page – Your name, plan name and date.
  • Executive Summary – Remember, this is all
         most people read.  Make sure to
         present the idea, its profitability and requirements in less than a
  • Introduction – This is the start of your
         plan.  State what you want to
         import/export and to which country. 
         Give a brief description of the product/idea to give the reader an
         exact understanding of what you want to accomplish.

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