trans cultural assignment

Using Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model, found on pp. 8-10 in your Giger textbook as your assessment framework, perform and document a cultural assessment performed with an individual with a different ethnicity than your own (please avoid using family members). Please provide the client with confidentiality in preparing this assessment.In yournarrativestyle paper, address each phenomena of the cultural assessment framework. Provide a brief description of the assessment component, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.The submitted document should be 8-10 pages, in APA format excluding the title page and reference page with use of appropriate headings, and be written as a narrative that includes five (5) resources specifically relating to the individual’s ethnicity. Two or more of these resources should be scholarly research.RubricTranscultural Assessment Paper Grading Rubric 2018-2020Transcultural Assessment Paper Grading Rubric 2018-2020CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehensive collection of dataAssessment Categories to be included are Culturally Unique Individual, Communication, Space, Social Organization, Time, Environmental Control, Biological Variations, and Nursing Assessment.140.0 ptsAll categories are included with comprehensive data or references to sources of data.125.0 ptsFewer categories are addressed. Data present but not very comprehensive. Categories left unaddressed.100.0 ptsPaper is vague with little support or strays from the assessment. Superficial attempt at assessment. Many categories with incomplete data.140.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of sources40.0 ptsEvidence of a variety of sources of data collection including direct observation, interviews, written sources e.g scholarly articles, textbook, news pieces. 5 references related to the ethnicity cited. 2 scholarly research references35.0 ptsSome variety of methods, but limited to primarily written reports and some direct observation. 3-5 references related to the ethnicity cited. 1 scholarly research reference30.0 ptsLittle evidence of a variety of sources. Mostly written reports and/or little observation. Less than 3 references related to the ethnicity cited. No scholarly research used as reference.40.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Writing Style and Organizationview longer descriptionthreshold: 3.0 pts5.0 ptsExceeds Expectations: Excellent control of language, clear consideration of an academic or professional audience. Sentence and paragraph variety appropriate for audience. The entire paper is cohesive Editing and proofreading are clearly evident.3.0 ptsMeets Expectations: Usage is sometimes less precise or with awkward or unclear passages and some consideration of audience. Paragraphing structure is present with some poorly constructed sentences or word choices. Most of the paper is cohesive with one or two areas that are less concise. Proofreading and editing are evident.1.0 ptsNeeds Improvement: Inaccurate word choice, fragmented and monotonous sentences and little or no concern for the reader. Paper lacks organization and structure in more than two areas No editing or proofreading evident0.0 ptsDoes not meet: No paper submitted or Paper lacks organization and cohesion at all levels. Impossible for the reader to follow.5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formattingview longer descriptionthreshold: 3.0 pts5.0 ptsExceeds Expectations: Grammar and punctuation issues are addressed correctly. No errors in APA style. Paper is in full APA format. Complete; correct documentation, integration of citation and paraphrases.3.0 ptsMeets Expectations: Rare errors in APA style that do not detract from the paper and has a scholarly style. Acceptable work but clumsy inclusion of sources.1.0 ptsNeeds Improvement: Problems include repeated grammar and usage errors which are distracting to the reader.0.0 ptsDoes not Meet Expectations: No Paper submitted or APA clearly not used5.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Specific8-10 pages Uses Headings Provides a brief description of the assessment component, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.10.0 ptsExceeds ExpectationsUses APA headings accurately to guide the reader. 8-10 pages Provides a brief description of the assessment component, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.8.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsUses APA headings with some accuracy to guide the reader. 7 or less pages or 11 or more pages Provides two of the three: a brief description of assessment components, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.5.0 ptsNeeds improvmentNo use of APA headings to guide the reader 7 or less pages or 11 or more pages. Provides one of the three: a brief description of assessment components, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.0.0 ptsDoes not meet expectations.No Paper Submitted.10.0 ptsTotal Points: 200.0

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