Java codes I only need the codes not the program

1. Find the Errors:The following code contains many errors. The errors may be syntax, logic, or violations of conventions discussed in class. Copy this code into DrJava and make any necessary corrections to the code so that it compiles and produces the required output when run. Also, make sure that all naming conventions are followed. Copy your corrected code from DrJava into the appropriate space in Blackboard.

 // Class demonstrates the error of using a random range

 //  of (2 – 12) to simulate a 2-dice roll

public class simulateDiceRolls {

public static void main(String[] args) {

  Random rand; 

int roll1, roll2, sum, singleDice7s = 0, pairDice7s = 0;

System.println(“Simulating 10,000 rolls  of the dice”); 

for (inti = 0; i< 10000;) {  // roll the dice 10,000 times

  roll1 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;  // Simulate rolling 2 dice

  roll2 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;

sum = roll1 + roll2

if (sum = 7) {  // Count the number of 7s



  roll3 = rand.nextInt( ) + 2;  // Simulate using 1 roll (2 – 12)

if (roll3 == 7) {  // Count the number of 7s




  // Show % of 7s for each simulation using:  (count/10,000) * 100)

System.out.println(% 1 roll = ” + doublesingleDice7s/100);  //16.67% 

System.out.printf(“% 2 dice = %dn” , (double)pairDice7s/100);  // 9.09% 



2. Programming

Write a complete program that compares the number of vowels in names entered by a user. Your program should first ask the user for the number of names to be entered, and then repeatedly asks the user to enter names until that number is reached.

Each name entry will be of the form: <first name> <whitespace> <last name>

Your program should include a method named countVowels that receives a single String parameter and returns the number of vowels found in that String.

When finished, the program should output the name with the most vowels and the number of vowels in that name. If two names have this same maximum number of vowels, only the first name entered will be displayed.

3.  Programming

Write a complete program that plays a single game of craps, displays the individual rolls and reports when a game is “LOST” or “WON” and shows the number of rolls used by the game.

The algorithm is as follows:

    • Simulate the roll of 2 dice using a JAVA random number generator.
    • Record the sum of this first roll as the game point and print out: Game point: <point><tab>
    • (if) the game point is 7 or 11
      print out: Game won in 1 roll
    • (else) continue rolling the dice. After each roll, print: <roll-value><tab>

      1. (if) a roll is either 7 or 11
        print out: Game lost in <roll-count> rolls. Sorry.
      2. (else if) a roll equal the game point
        print out: Game won in <roll-count> rolls. Congratulations!
      3. Otherwise, repeat step 4

4- Write a static method named favoriteLetter that accepts two parameters: a Scanner from the console, and afavorite letter represented as a one-letter String. The method repeatedly prompts the user until two consecutive words are entered that start with that letter. The method then prints a message showing the last word typed.

You may assume that the user will type single-word responses to each prompt. Your code should be case-sensitive, (if the favorite letter is a, you should not stop prompting if the user types words that start with a capital A.

The following represents output from two calls to your method:

(User input is underlined.)


Scanner console = new Scanner(;

favoriteLetter(console, “y”);

Scanner console = new Scanner(;

favoriteLetter(console, “A”);


Looking for two “y” words in a row.

Type a word: hi

Type a word: bye

Type a word: yes

Type a word: what?

Type a word: yellow

Type a word: yippee

“y” is for “yippee”

Looking for two “A” words in a row.

Type a word: I

Type a word: love

Type a word: COSC236!

Type a word: AND

Type a word: PROGRAMS

Type a word: are

Type a word: always

Type a word: Absolutely

Type a word: Awesome

“A” is for “Awesome

5.  Programming

Write a static method named countEvenDigits that accepts an integer as its parameter and returns the number of even-valued digits in that number. An even-valued digit is either 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

For example, the number 8546587 has four even digits (the two 8s, the 4, and the 6), so the call countEvenDigits(8346387) should return 4.

You may assume that the value passed to your method is non-negative. You may NOT use aString to solve this problem.

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