Soap power point

For this assignment, you are to complete a clinical case – narrated PowerPoint report that will follow the SOAP note example provided below. The case report will be based on an assigned clinical case scenario.You are to approach this clinical scenario as if it is a real patient in the clinical setting.Instructions:Step 1- Read the assigned clinical scenario and using your clinical reasoning skills, decide on the diagnoses. This step informs your next steps.Step 2- Document the given information in the case scenario under the appropriate sections, headings, and subheadings of the SOAP note.Step 3- Document all the classic symptoms typically associated with the diagnoses in Step 1. This information may NOT be given in the scenario; you are to obtain this information from your textbooks. Include APA citations.Example of Steps 1 – 3:You decided on Angina after reading the clinical case scenario (Step 1)Review of Symptoms (list of classic symptoms):CV: sweating, squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightening, burning across the chest starting behind the breastboneGI: indigestion, heartburn, nausea, crampingPain: pain to the neck, jaw, arms, shoulders, throat, back, and teethResp: shortness of breathMusculo: weaknessStep 4– Document the abnormal physical exam findings typically associated with the acute and chronic diagnoses decided on in Step 1. Again, this information may NOT be given. Cull this information from the textbooks. Include APA citations.Example of Step 4:You determined the patient has Angina in Step 1Physical Examination (list of classic exam findings):CV: RRR, murmur grade 1/4Resp: diminished breath sounds left lower lobeStep 5- Document the diagnoses in the appropriate sections, including the ICD-10 codes, from Step 1. Include three differential diagnoses. Define each diagnosis and support each differential diagnosis with pertinent positives and negatives and what makes these choices plausible. This information may come from your textbooks. Remember to cite using APA.Step 6- Develop a treatment plan for the diagnoses. Only use National Clinical Guidelines to develop your treatment plans. This information will not come from your textbooks. Use your research skills to locate appropriate guidelines. The treatment plan mustaddress the following:a) Medications (include the dosage in mg/kg, frequency, route, and the number of days)b) Laboratory tests ordered (include why ordered and what the results of the test may indicate)c) Diagnostic tests ordered (include why ordered and what the results of the test may indicate)d) Vaccines administered this visit & vaccine administration forms given,e) Non-pharmacological treatmentsf) Patient/Family education including preventive careg) Anticipatory guidance for the visit (be sure to include exactly what you discussed during the visit; review Bright Futures website for this section)h) Follow-up appointment with a detailed plan of f/uCLINICAL CASE SCENARIOA 5-year-old boy presents to your clinic with a 1-day history of refusing to use his left arm. His father states that his son and his older sister were cared for by a babysitter the previous day. The babysitter said she had been playing with the children in the front yard when the patient ran after a ball that was rolling toward the street. She grabbed the patient’s left forearm and pulled him away from the street. Thereafter, the patient was irritable and holding his left arm close to his body with the elbow in a flexed position. On physical examination, the child has no bony tenderness, erythema, or swelling of the joints, but on passive motion, the child resists and cries in pain. Today, his vitals are as follows: weight 40.5 lbs, height 43.0 inches, BP 110/76, HR 100, RR 26, and Temperature is 98.6 F.Diagnosis – Subluxation of Radial HeadAs you develop your narrated PowerPoint, be sure to address the criteria discussed in the video above and the instructions listed below:FOLLOW THE TEMPLATE BELOW for the Clinical Case Report – SOAP PowerPoint Assignment:DO NOT INCLUDE THESE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE POWERPOINT. POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED. REFER TO THE EXAMPLE CASE REPORT FOR GUIDANCE.SUBJECTIVE (S): Describes what the patient reports about their condition.For INITIAL visits gather the info below from the clinical scenario and the textbook. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THE SCENARIO; EXTRACT THE RELEVANT INFORMATION.Historian (required; unless the patient is 16 y/o and older): document name and relationship of guardianPatient’s Initials + CC (Identification and Chief Complaint): E.g. 6-year-old female here for evaluation of a palmar rashHPI (History of Present Illness): Remember OLD CAARTS (onset, location, duration, character, aggravating/alleviating factors, radiation, temporal association, severity) written in paragraph formPMH (Past Medical History): List any past or present medical conditions, surgeries, or other medical interventions the patient has had. Specify what year they took placeMEDs: List prescription medications the patient is taking. Include dosage and frequency if known. Inquire and document any over-the-counter, herbal, or traditional remedies.Allergies: List any allergies the patient has and indicate the reaction. e.g. Medications (tetracycline-> shortness of breath), foods, tape, iodine->rashFH (Family History): List relevant health history of immediate family: grandparents, parents, siblings, or children. e.g. Inquire about any cardiovascular disease, HTN, DM, cancer, or any lung, liver, renal disease, etc…SHx (Social history): document parent’s work (current), educational level, living situation (renting, homeless, owner), substance use/abuse (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, illicit drugs), firearms in-home, relationship status (married, single, divorced, widowed), number of children in the home (in SF or abroad), how recently pt immigrated to the US and from what country of origin (if applicable), the gender of sexual partners, # of partners in last 6 mo, vaginal/anal/oral, protected/unprotected.Patient Profile: Activities of Daily Living (age-appropriate): (include feeding, sleeping, bathing, dressing, chores, etc.), Changes in daycare/school/after-school care, Sports/physical activity, and Developmental History: (provide a history of development over the child’s lifespan. If a child is 1y/o or younger, provide birth history also)HRB (Health-related behaviors):ROS (Review of Systems): Asking about problems by organ system systematically from head-to-toe. Included classic associated symptoms (this includes pertinent negatives and positives).OBJECTIVE: Physical findings you observe or find on the exam.1. Age, gender, general appearance2. Vitals – HR, BP, RR, Temp, BMI, Height & Percentile; Weight & Percentile, Include the Growth Chart3. Physical Exam: note pertinent positives and negatives (refer to the textbook for classic findings related to present complaint and the diagnosis you believe the patient has)4. Lab Section – what results do you have?5. Studies/Radiology/Pap Results Section – what results do you have?RISK FACTORS: List risk factors for the acute and chronic conditionsASSESSMENT: What do you think is going on based on the clinical case scenario? This is based on the case. You are to list the acute diagnosis and three differential diagnoses, in order of what is likely, possible, and unlikely (include supporting information that helped you to arrive at these differentials). You must include the ICD-10 codes, the definition for the acute and differential diagnoses, and the pertinent positives and negatives of each diagnosis.You are to also list any chronic conditions with the ICD-10 codes.NATIONAL CLINICAL GUIDELINES: List the guidelines you will use to guide your treatment and management planTREATMENT & MANAGEMENT PLAN: Number problems (E.g. 1. HTN, 2. DM, 3. Knee sprain), use bullet points, and include A – F below for each diagnosis and G – H after you’ve addressed all conditions.Example:1. HTNa) Vaccines administered this visit & vaccine administration forms given,b) Medication-include dosage amounts and mg/kg for drug and number of days,c) Laboratory tests orderedd) Diagnostic tests orderede) Non-pharmaceutical treatmentsf) Patient/Family education including preventive care2. HLDa) Vaccines administered this visit & vaccine administration forms given,b) Medication-include dosage amounts and mg/kg for drug and number of days,c) Laboratory tests orderedd) Diagnostic tests orderede) Non-pharmaceutical treatmentsf) Patient/Family education including preventive careAlso discussed:g) Anticipatory guidance for next well-child visit (be sure to include exactly what you discussed during the visit; review Bright Futures website for this section)Return to the clinic:h) Follow-up appointment with a detailed plan for f/u and any referralsSubmission Details:Post the Week 8 Clinical Case Report SOAP Note Assignment to the Discussion Boardbelow by the date assigned.Name your Case Report SOAP note document NSG6435_W8_SOAP_LastName_FirstInitial.ppt.

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