Psychology Discussion , psychology homework help

Question A:  ERR: Acculturation of Personality (150 word minimum with your opinion and 1 peer reviewed reference)

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology-2013-Gu00fcngu00f6r-701-18_week4.pdf 

Question B: Describe the interpretation of personality theory across cultures.(150 word minimum with your opinion and 1 peer reviewed reference)

Question C: Chapter 7 – Balance and Good Health (150 word minimum with your opinion) 

Read question number 2 under the “Why Does This Matter to Me?” section on p. 204 ofCulture and Psychology.

Discuss your response with the class.

How do you define good health for yourself? 

2. Many cultures have the notion of “balance” in their definitions of good health. In your definition of health from the previous question, did you mention the notion of balance? If yes, in what areas of your life is it important to have balance in order to maintain or promote good health?

Question D: Chapter 10 – Personality Tests (150 word minimum with your opinion)

Read question number 1 under the “Why Does This Matter to Me?” section on p. 286 ofCulture and Psychology.

Discuss your response with the class.

Have you ever taken a personality test? Did you think the results were applicable to you or not? Why or why not? Do you think that such a test would be applicable in another cultural context?

Question E:  


·What is the link between physical health and social factors? How is this explained by the biopsychosocial model?

Question F: Valuing Extroverts In America- The Power of Extroverts Video (TedTalks Video) (150 word minimum with your opinion and 1 peer reviewed reference)

Question G: Further Explanation Chapter 10 (150 word minimum with your opinion and 1 peer reviewed reference)

Are indigenous personalities really indigenous? For example, the Japanese culture includes the concept of amae described above. Do you think that amae also exists in other cultures, at least in terms of behaviors or mental processes? How would you go about showing that?

Question H: Further Explanation Question Chapter 7 (150 word minimum with your opinion and 1 peer reviewed reference)

The immigrant paradox has been extensively studied in the United States and Canada. The paradox refers to the finding that immigrants tend to do better than native-born individuals on a number of health indicators despite the many challenges associated with immigration. Do you think you would find the immigrant paradox in other countries with large numbers of immigrants? Think about how health beliefs, behaviors, norms, and social structures and institutions of different countries may affect whether health outcomes of immigrants versus native-born individuals may differ.

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