How you will ensure fairness in hiring along with fairness in diversifying your

It can become difficult to create a harmonious diverse team considering the differences of all the team members involved. Realizing the potentials and possible downfalls of the multicultural team is just the start. The selection of team members and the assignment of tasks play a huge part in this harmony. The team leader should be prepared to accept the responsibility of leading a diverse team.

With this in mind and after conducting some research, create a 1-2 page human resource strategy for creating a diverse workforce. Be sure to address:

  • The nature of group dynamics
  • Recruitment and selection strategy(ies)
  • Training and development activities
  • How you will ensure fairness in hiring along with fairness in diversifying your workforce


International Business


Ricky W. Griffin

Texas A&M University

Michael W. Pustay

Texas A&M Universit

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