Identifying Your Learning Pattern

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Identifying Your Learning Pattern

Identifying Your Learning Pattern

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Prepare: Before attempting this discussion, be sure you have completed the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI), and carefully read and the . Then, watch the video by Dr. Johnston.

Reflect: For this discussion, you will be creating your Personal Learning Profile (PLP). As Dr. Johnston said in the video, you want to be able to frame your description so that someone can get to know you quickly and completely. More importantly, your PLP helps you articulate how your mind works and how that causes you to feel and act in everyday life. Review from Chapter 2 which describes the process of developing descriptions for your profile.


In complete sentences and a minimum of 400words, address the following:

  • List      the numeric scores and level of use (Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid)      for each of the four Learning Patterns, then identify whether you are a      Dynamic, Bridge, or Strong-Willed Learner.
  • For      each Learning Pattern (Sequence, Precision, Technical Reasoning, and      Confluence), write a paragraph of four to five sentences describing your      thoughts, feelings, and actions when using that Pattern
The study of different learning styles


There are numerous learning style theories, including those that categorize people as visual, auditory, or tactile learners, as well as those that define various cognitive approaches to learning.


However, there is almost no evidence that people have learning styles or that when they are taught in way that “meshes” with their learning style, they learn more. 
group of psychologists conducted study of the literature and published their findings in paper (Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence). 
They claim that while studies have been done on how individuals can have learning preferences, hardly none of them used rigorous research designs to show that people benefit from being taught in way that matches their learning style (Pashler, McDaniel, Roghrer, Bjork, 2008).


Rogowsky and colleagues (2015) conducted an experimental test of the meshing hypothesis and found that matching the type of instruction to the learning style had no effect on students’ comprehension of material in their recent study, Matching Learning Style to Instruction Method: Effects on Comprehension. 
Furthermore, depending on the content being taught, certain teaching styles are best suited for all learners—for example, learning how to generate dilutions in chemistry course involves hands-on experience approach, even if you like to learn through reflection!


Preferences for learning


The “distinctive strengths and preferences in the ways [people] take in and process information” are referred to as learning style preferences (Felder, 1996). 
The Soloman-Felder learning style model combines the majority of the key techniques to assessing learning preferences and is intended for use with college and university students to self-test their learning preferences. 
The Soloman-Felder learning styles index contains four scales, each with two opposing preferences. 
Everyone utilizes all of their preferences at various times, but not all of them with equal confidence.


How do you prefer to handle information on the active/reflective scale?


Active Reflective


Active learners gain knowledge by putting it to use. 
They prefer to process information by discussing it and experimenting with it. 
Reflective learners gain knowledge by thinking about it. 
Before acting, they prefer to think things through and understand them.


The intuitive/sensing scale: How do you prefer to process information?


Sensing Intuitive


Sensitive students want to absorb information that is concrete and useful. 
Details, statistics, and data are important to them, and they prefer to follow tried and true techniques. 
They are realistic and enjoy using real-world examples. 
Abstract, innovative, and theory-oriented knowledge is more appealing to intuitive learners. 
They try to grasp overarching patterns by looking at the large picture. 
They enjoy exploring possibilities and connections, as well as collaborating on projects.


The visual/verbal scale: How do you like to receive information?


Visual Verbal


Visual learners like material presented in visual format, such as diagrams, charts, graphs, and photographs.


Words – both written and spoken – are preferred by verbal learners.


On scale of one to ten, how do you prefer to organize information?






Sequential learners prefer to organize data in logical, sequential order. 
They study in logical order and work with material in methodical and structured manner. 
Global learners like to organize knowledge in more holistic and seemingly random fashion, with no discernible relationships. 
They appear disorganized and fragmented in their thoughts, although they frequently produce an innovative or correct end product.


R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, R. Felder, 
December issue of ASEE Prism, pages. 18-23. 
Felder, R., and Soloman, B. (2002). Learning Styles Index Page.


How may self-directed learners assist themselves?




Make up for the absence of discussion by scheduling regular meetings with your advisor or finding other students who are interested in the same or related topics and forming discussion groups.


When creating your assessment assignment, think of new methods to apply what you’ve learnt.


Share what you’ve learnt with your family and friends.




Make time to think about what you’ve learned.


Don’t just read; take breaks to study the subject and come up with new questions or applications.


Make brief summaries of the materials you’ve read.


Reflective writing exercises should be used (i.e., journals)




Create links to the real world.


Find concrete examples of concepts and procedures.


With your advising faculty member, other students, family, or friends, brainstorm real-world connections.




Seek out interpretation and theory to help you connect the dots between the facts.


Look for theoretical links to the content you’ve learned.


With your advising faculty member, discuss theories and interpretations.


When producing work for assessment, be careful not to overlook little nuances.




Look for diagrams, graphs, sketches, schematics, pictures, flow charts, or other visual representations of the subject. Look for material animations on video, CD-ROM, or the Internet.


Create concept map with the information you’ve gathered (or flow chart)


Sort your notes by color.




Make summaries and outlines of the information you’ve learnt.


Convert diagrams, graphs, and other visual representations into written descriptions.


Meet with your advising faculty member on regular basis to go through content.


Collaborate with other students to form discussion groups.


Explain the information to your relatives and friends.




Step-by-step instruction


When providing facts, ask an advising faculty member to fill in any gaps.


Spend some time organizing your materials in sensible order.


Try to improve your global skills by connecting new content to what you’ve already learnt.




Before attempting to master the minutiae, create the overall picture.


Before reading specific study papers, look for general review articles that summarize the literature.


Before you read the subject in depth, skim over the readings.


Rather than spending little time on subject every day, try scheduling larger blocks of time less frequently to immerse yourself in it.


Make connections between what you’ve already learned and what you’re learning now.
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