Leadership Development Plan In Health

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Leadership Development Plan In Health

Leadership Development Plan In Health



STAR Format Competency Rating

NCHL Competency for MHA-FP5012 and Current ILDP Rating Situation Task Action Result Outcome Rating:

1 (worst) – 5 (best)

Accountability: Confront

Performance Problems.


Achievement Orientation:

Set and work to meet challenging goals.


Change Leadership:

Challenge status quo.



Encourage others.


Financial Skills.


Impact and Influence:

Use indirect influence.


Information Seeking:

Conduct research to maintain knowledge.



Take action on longer-term opportunities.


Innovative Thinking:

Apply “tried and true” concepts or trends.


Interpersonal Understanding:

Commit to understand others.


Organizational Awareness:

Adapt actions to climate and culture.


Performance Measurement:

Monitor a “scorecard” of quantitative and qualitative measures.


Process Management & Organizational Design:

Benchmarks best processes and practices.


Project Management:

Provide project oversight and sponsorship.



Take on challenges.



Pursue long-term personal development.


Strategic Orientation:

Conduct environmental scanning.


Team Leadership:

Demonstrate leadership.


Communication Skills:

Communicate in a clear, logical, and grammatical manner.




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Personal Leadership Gap Analysis Template

Industry Needs Organizational Needs Personal STAR Assessment Variances or Gaps

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Industry Needs Versus Organizational Needs

Career Advancement Opportunities



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Lifelong Leadership Inventory Overview.doc

Individual Leadership Development Plan

A Guide to Using Your Lifelong Leadership Inventory


© Copyright 2005-10 National Center for Healthcare Leadership. All rights reserved.


Selected Competency Area for Focus What did the feedback help you to see/understand about this area? How can improvement in this area enhance success in your current and future work? How will improvement in this area help you and your team (and eventually the teams and organizations you work for) better achieve key priorities?


· I don’t give people enough feedbackI need to improve clarity regarding expectations for others, including the overall direction as well as their individual performance expectations · Will enable me to delegate with more confidence and do less checking up on people

· Will allow me to coach and support vs. direct other’s actions

· Enables me to operate more as a leader and developer of others vs. too much of a doer

· People will be more accountable for their own work and feel they are successful

· We will enhance the level of commitment, expand capabilities, shorten the time to results and lessen the likelihood of recycle that can result from misdirected efforts

· I understand that in the end holding myself accountable and others accountable will improve the work climate for everyone

Creating Your Development Plan

It takes commitment if you are to reach your development goal. For some of us, personal development is energizing and even effortless. For many others of us, development is not a task we take on easily. We value development but other things get in the way of our making the necessary and real commitment to change—work, family, time, etc. We hope that your survey feedback and this guide have helped you find the commitment to act on your goals and that you will take this opportunity to create a development plan that works for you.

Three principles to keep in mind as you set out to plan and achieve your goal(s):

1. Address your goals in a way that suits you best

Thousands of books have been written on goal setting, personal improvement, how to change your life, etc. Many organizations have their own development processes. None of them matter if they don’t work for you. Use a process that you find comfortable.

2. Your change plan must fit your life and work If your plan isn’t something that you can accommodate to your life, then it is likely that you will fail.

3. Your plan must tap into your preferred way of learning

Use your normal way of learning when taking on significant life changes. Doing otherwise can be de-motivating and not hold your attention. For example, don’t sign up for a formal training course on coaching that will take you away from the job when you know you just need to begin to apply what you already know, simply make the time to do it, and have the opportunity to see how much your people appreciate it.

You are now ready to begin planning for your development. Remember: you are developing this competency, not for its sake alone, but to enhance your current effectiveness, your future career potential and to support the success of the organization.

Key Plan Components

Research has shown that plans that are most successful are those where action steps are carefully laid out. Action steps or activities must be realistic and accommodate to your lifestyle and work requirements. Your plan should include:

· The activities you will undertake to develop the competency to a level of proficiency that will help you achieve your goal. It makes sense to select and/or combine different kinds of developmental approaches to help you reach a given goal. Examples of the different kinds of activities you might select include:

· Targeting practical on-the-job behaviors that you want to do more of/less of or differently

· Involvement in specific project/task assignments in addition to your current role (e.g. cross functional team leadership, action-learning assignment)

· Self-directed activities (e.g. reading, computer-based education)

· Formal training/education (e.g. specific courses/workshops offered internally/externally)

· External involvement (e.g. community board work)

· On-going coaching/mentoring

· The date by which you want to complete each activity

· The obstacles that may get in your way of completing this activity

· The help or resources you will need to complete each activity

· A short description—the measure—of how you will know when you are making progress toward or have reached your goal (e.g., “My project will be on budget and on time” “My team will achieve their goals” etc.)

Complete the draft development plan. Create or identify as many activities as you feel are necessary and reasonable to realize proficiency in the competency you have selected for development. Where appropriate, consider using your strengths (your competency to leverage) to aid you in your development.

Take advantage of this opportunity for development. Use all your available resources. Take a risk. Try out new behaviors and new ways of approaching your work and life. But especially have fun! Development is a gift that each person should accept with gratitude and enthusiasm.

Target Development Area #1

Your Development Goal:


Related Competency(ies) to Develop: Current Strengths to Leverage:
Potential Obstacles: Sources of Help:
Activity 1: Completion Date:
Activity 2: Completion Date:
Activity 3: Completion Date:
How I will know I am making progress?


Individual Performance Outcomes Team Performance Outcomes Org. Performance Outcomes

Target Development Area #2

Your Development Goal:


Related Competency(ies) to Develop: Current Strengths to Leverage:
Potential Obstacles: Sources of Help:
Activity 1: Completion Date:
Activity 2: Completion Date:
Activity 3: Completion Date:
How I will know I am making progress?


Individual Performance Outcomes Team Performance Outcomes Org. Performance Outcomes

Target Development Area #3

Your Development Goal:


Related Competency(ies) to Develop: Current Strengths to Leverage:
Potential Obstacles: Sources of Help:
Activity 1: Completion Date:
Activity 2: Completion Date:
Activity 3: Completion Date:
How I will know I am making progress?


Individual Performance Outcomes Team Performance Outcomes Org. Performance Outcomes
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