Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors
Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors
Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors
Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors to Watch Out For
Generally speaking, risk factors are the attributes, exposures, or characteristics of an individual that increase the likelihood of that person developing a specific illness or disease (Yuan et al., 2017). Risk factors for health complications such as cancer include, among other things, family history of the disease, age, tobacco use, exposure to certain chemicals and radiations, infection with certain viruses and bacteria, and certain genetic changes. Cancer and cardiovascular disease are the most common health complications that Chinese Americans face as a result of having high systolic blood pressure and eating a diet that is high in fat and cholesterol (Lewington et al., 2016). Chinese Americans are known to be at an increased risk of developing cancers of the esophagus, nasopharynx, liver, cervix, and stomach, among other organs and tissues (Torre et al., 2016). The Chinese American culture does, however, contain other risk factors, such as tuberculosis (which can be contracted through environmental exposure, though its prevalence has decreased in recent years as a result of the TB vaccine), lactose intolerance (which can be caused by genetics or by lifestyle choices), and diabetes (which can also be caused by genetics or by lifestyle choices).
The primary nursing strategies that can be implemented to provide adequate healthcare and prevent the occurrence of the aforementioned diseases among members of the Chinese American culture include the promotion of dietary education, raising public awareness of risk factors and how to avoid them, and, finally, encouraging physical activity among members of this culture (In Dahlin, In Sutermaster, American Nurses Association, & Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 2014). When it comes to illness, the majority of Chinese people adhere to the theory of yang and yin and eat foods that are in accordance with this theory. For example, they would refrain from consuming or consuming anything that had yin qualities, such as vegetables, salad, cold meat, and cold beverages. They would otherwise consume beef, fried foods, and chicken, which would put them at a high risk of developing cardiovascular problems. As a result, soy source oil, among other oils, is used in the preparation of Chinese meals, which has a high sodium content and is therefore bad for the heart. Consuming foods that are considered yin and yang is thought to help prevent indigestion and sudden imbalances in the body. As a result, their religious beliefs prevent them from eating a special diet that is necessary for emotional and physical well-being (Xutian, Tai, Yuan, & World Scientific, 2015). Because of this, it is critical for the nurse to educate members of this community about the risk factors for certain prevalent diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, that are associated with a high salt and fat intake. In addition, the nurse must educate them on the importance of physical activity as a preventative measure for a variety of health complications as well as for general well-being and health.
In Dahlin, C., In Sutermaster, D. J., American Nurses Association,, & Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association,. (2014). Palliative nursing: Scope and standards of practice : an essential resource for hospice and palliative nurses. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.
Lewington, S., Lacey, B., Clarke, R., Guo, Y., Kong, X. L., Yang, L., Chen, Y., … Chen, Z. (April 01, 2016). The Burden of Hypertension and Associated Risk for Cardiovascular Mortality in China. Jama Internal Medicine, 176(4), 524.
Torre, L. A., Sauer, A. M. G., Chen, M. S., Kagawa-Singer, M., Jemal, A., & Siegel, R. L. (May 01, 2016). Cancer statistics for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, 2016: Converging incidence in males and females: Cancer Statistics for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders, 2016. Ca: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 66, 3, 182-202.
Xutian, S., Tai, S., Yuan, C.-S., & World Scientific (Firm). (2015). Handbook of traditional Chinese medicine. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co.
Yuan, H., Li, X., Wan, G., Sun, L., Zhu, X., Che, F., & Yang, Z. (2017). Type 2 diabetes epidemic in East Asia: a 35-year systematic trend analysis. Oncotarget, 9(6), 6718–6727. doi:10.18632/oncotarget.22961
In order to promote a healthy lifestyle among members of the Chinese American community, health promotion interventions such as smoking cessation programs, educational programs on disease prevention such as dietary control, and encouraging physical activity can be implemented (Xutian, Tai, Yuan, & World Scientific, 2015). When it comes to dietary control, the nurse can assist the members of this community in selecting foods that are still within the yin and yang theory, but only once they have the desired nutritional value to help balance both physical and emotional harmony, according to the theory (Xu et al., 2008). In order to provide effective and individualized care, the nurse must collaborate with individual clients during the implementation of the other interventions in order to aid in the assessment of illness behavior and biological variation in relation to their cultural beliefs and practices.
Cultural Sensitivity: Risk Factors
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