DNP 810 Topic 3 Discussion Question 2 PEER Posts
DNP 810 Topic 3 Discussion Question 2 PEER Posts
When writing in APA style, citations and references are used to give credit to the respective authors for their ideas or work. It is also preferred that ideas or work are summarized instead of using a direct quote to present the information. Explain what the difference is between a citation and reference, how using these properly will help you avoid the consequences of plagiarizing, and why a summary is preferred. How can LopesWrite help ensure you are effectively summarizing another author’s work (versus direct quotes)?
As an example, summarize and cite information from a primary research article that demonstrates support for your proposed intervention for your selected practice problem (three or four sentences)
Angela Zafke
Posted Date
Mar 7, 2022, 5:37 PM
Replies to Angela Zafke
Part of academic integrity is giving proper credit to another writer’s research or work, this is accomplished through proper citation and referencing (Dawe et al., 2021). Paraphrasing or summarizing an author’s content helps the writer to synthesize material and form. Scholarly writing can be challenging in nature, especially as students begin a graduate-level program. Through paraphrasing, articles are read and analyzed. A robust and cohesive argument can be made when scholarly articles are compiled together (Badenhorst, 2018). In doing so, the writer’s discussion has a solid base of previous scientific support and can pose new information.
Citations are used in the body of the text. Citations provide credit to the original source and author for thoughts, context, and ideas (Gudi, 2021). Proper citing is a method to communicate amongst other scholars (Gullbekk & Byström, 2019). Accurate citing is necessary to avoid potential plagiarism (Badenhorst, 2018). Additionally, citations provide the readers with the context from which ideas were synthesized and conceptualized. References are used at the end of the text so readers can find the original source. A vigorous literature review can include the reference list at the end of scholarly articles. Researchers can use the reference list to branch or diversify their initial literature review and expand the scope of their search.
LopesWrite is a resource available from Grand Canyon University. By submitting assignments with more than 500 words, it ensures academic integrity is being met and helps to prevent plagiarism. It is a useful screening tool that could identify possible issues prior to the assignment submission. Plagiarism is a sign of academic dishonesty. By using LopesWrite, students can proactively ensure plagiarism is not present in their assignments.
A critical illness adds stress not only to the patient but also to family members. White et al. (2018) examined if a family support intervention would reduce stress on families associated with a critical care hospitalization. A PARTNER (Pairing Re-engineered ICU Teams with Nurse-Driven Emotional Support) was utilized as the communication liaison and offered family support. This intervention improved the quality-of-care rating and patient/family-centered care perception and decreased the length of ICU and hospital stay.
Badenhorst, C. (2018). Citation practices of postgraduate students writing literature reviews. London Review of Education, 16(1), 121–135.
Dawe, L., Stevens, J., Hoffman, B., & Quilty, M. (2021). Citation and Referencing Support at an Academic Library: Exploring Student and Faculty Perspectives on Authority and Effectiveness. College & Research Libraries, 82(7), 991–1003.
Gudi, S. K. (2021). References and citations: Are we doing it right? Retrieved on March 5th, 2021 from
Gullbekk, E., & Byström, K. (2019). Becoming a scholar by publication – PhD students citing in interdisciplinary argumentation. Journal of Documentation, 75(2), 247–269.
• ES
replied toAngela Zafke
Mar 9, 2022, 11:11 AM
Replies to Angela Zafke
As you mentioned, plagiarism is academic dishonesty, and it is unethical. I am glad that LopesWrite is available to review the work submitted and assist in avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism effects the “the quality, readability, and trustworthiness of scholarly publications” (Zimba & Gasparyan 2021). Plagiarism is often visited as writers intentionally or unintentionally obtain others’ information or reuse their own information without referencing. Plagiarism awareness has been on the rise to ensure writers are compliant. Common instances of plagiarism include plagiarism of ideas, direct copying, Paraphragiarism, text recycling, translational plagiarism, plagiarism of graphics, plagiarism with citation manipulation, and compound plagiarism (Zimba & Gasparyan 2021). It is important that as scholarly writers we review our work for these concerns.
Zimba, O., & Gasparyan, A. (2021). Plagiarism detection and prevention: A primer for researchers. Reumatologia/Rheumatology, 59(3), 132–137.
Nkiruka Mgbemena
Posted Date
Mar 7, 2022, 4:37 PM
The APA style of writing is one of the standard guidelines, and an essential element for all academic and professional endeavors that is used to create precise and clear writings in an organized, uniform and consistent way by authors and for authors as well as for all types of students in order to achieve excellence in scholarly writing (American Psychological Association, [APA]. (2020).
Citations is the system of informing your readers that you have used ideas from other sources by acknowledging those authors and by providing the link so that the readers could have direct assess to the particular sources you used, if they want to look further. This system prevents the writer from plagiarizing the author’s work and it also helps to lend credibility to your work showing that other authors have thought about the same topic (Limestone University, 2022). You only cite author’s that has influenced you and you have borrowed their ideas and theories and included them in your work (APA, 2020).
References are the detailed list of the citations of articles, journals or books of others that was used to write one’s paper or work (University of Birmingham, 2022). Using citations and references shows your credibility and that you are not taking over the work or words of someone else. It helps you to avoid plagiarism which is the act of using another author’s words/work without acknowledging them. When you use citations and references, it helps you to avoid the serious consequence that could result from the lack of citation or referencing such as losing one’s credibility as a writer or an author, as a student, you may fail that class or be suspended or expelled from the school.
Plagiarism is when a writer uses another author’s word without acknowledging them by citing and referencing them in that paper (APA, 2020). It could be unintentional or intentional but there is no acceptable excuse (Purdue Writing Lab., (n.d.). Even if you quote an author, you still need to acknowledge them but it is best to summarize the work of another Author. A summary is a brief explanation of the main points of the borrowed author’s work and it should be shorter that the main work and not have quotation marks. When you summarize, it shows you have an understanding of the work (Purdue Writing Lab., (n.d.).
Lopes write is a school resource that helps the student and teachers check their work to make sure that they do not have too many quotations from another’s work and that they have cited all the works they have used by encouraging proper citation. This helps to maintain the integrity of the student and the school and avoid plagiarism. It also gives the students feedback on their grammar, style and spelling error. After it checks the student’s paper through a variety of databases, it gives a similarity index of the work. The student is supposed to be below a certain percentage of similarity index (Grand Canyon University, (n.d.).
This article by Hornnes & Poulsen (2020) have demonstrated through original primary research using randomized control trial of intervention and control of one of the risk factors of stroke recurrence like blood pressure (BP) to demonstrate that the reoccurrence of stroke can be reduced by 24%. The large study assessed 627 eligible participants then excluded 549 of which 424 did not meet the inclusion criteria and 41 declined participation and 84 gave no reasons. In the end 78 participants qualified with an equal number of 39 for interventions and 39 for control. But with the final analysis of the participants, they only had 73 participants 36 in interventions and 37 with controls (Hornnes, & Poulsen, 2020). The intervention participants came for 3-4 weeks visit at a dedicated preventive outpatient clinic while the control group went to their regular general practitioners after discharge and only the nurses and the physicians monitored their blood pressure. The study at the end showed that the timely intervention and follow up of stroke patients BP in a preventive clinic resulted in the control of their BP which may lead to delay of the reoccurrence of stroke, disability and possible death (Hornnes, & Poulsen, 2020).
American Psychological Association, (APA). (2020). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association the official guide to APA style (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Lopes Write. Student success center.
Hornnes, A. H., & Poulsen, M. B. (2020). Blood pressure after follow-up in a stroke prevention
clinic. Brain & Behavior, 10(8), 1-8. https//
Limestone University. (2022, January 20). LibGuides: Citation guide: What is a
citation? LibGuides at Limestone University.
University of Birmingham. (2022). Harvard: Reference list and bibliography.
Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). Overview // Purdue Writing Lab.
Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). Plagiarism and ESL writers // Purdue Writing Lab.
Beverly Quiza
Posted Date
Mar 7, 2022, 3:21 PM
Replies to Angela Zafke
Using APA style can improve the quality of their academic writing and is relevant for nurses who are writing scholarly documents for school, or work. It is important to avoid APA errors on reference list and citations when proceeding the paper. According to The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 1998), professional writing is an important outcome of baccalaureate nursing education. Writers using APA style should inform readers not only of authors they are using, but how currently/timely the sources are. When it comes to scholarly writing it is important to make sure referencing, citations, summaries and paraphrasing are accurate.
Reference is the sources that the author used for their research paper. As defined by Meriam-Webster reference is something that refers such as something that refers a reader or consulter to another source of information such as a book or passage and a consultation of sources of information. Referencing is an imperative way of identifying ideas derived from different sources or authors and it provides information that is necessary for the readers to track the original source referred in the article. While citation is when you use certain information to cite another author’s ideas, phrases or sentence. Cited references should be accurate and able to locate the actual content in the original source. Citation plays an important role in assessing the worthiness of an article and should be used accordingly. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, the word citation is defined as “an act of quoting,” where quote means “to speak or write from another usually with credit acknowledgement.”
Plagiarism is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as “the act of taking the writings of another person and passing them off as ones own.” It is when one person uses someone’s else words without acknowledging the author or copying and pasting from a published article. It’s important to know the meaning of plagiarism and not to use it when writing a paper.
Paraphrasing is when you restate in your own words of someone else’s sentence, words or ideas. Changing few words of the original sentence in a content. Summary is similar to paraphrasing it involves using your own words and using your own writing style. Summary uses the important ideas of the topic and is flexible and able to provide short overview of the content.
LopesWrite is a good resource for students to learn on how to write the proper paper. GCU LopesWrite assist students in checking their grammar, spelling and citation before submitting their scholarly paper. Is a tool that is valuable for each student learner. I always forget to use this tool before I submit my assignment but I know that I should use this regularly because I know that it will help me in the end.
For my proposed DPI project it is important to have a sepsis bundle to help identify severe sepsis and septic shock in an ICU patient. To improve sepsis management and reduce its burden, in 2017, the World Health Assembly and World Health Organization adopted a resolution that urged governments and healthcare workers to implement appropriate measures to address sepsis. Sepsis is a life threatening condition caused by infection and it is a global health burden. Early detection of signs and symptoms of sepsis is crucial in determining of the early administration of antibiotics and intravenous fluids. Sepsis is considered a medical emergency and awareness should be prioritized for all healthcare providers. Utilizing sepsis bundle can improve patient outcome and reduced mortality rate.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing : The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice.1998.AuthorWashington, DC
ICMJE . Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations). Article types and preparation. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; 2018. [cited 5 Dec 2018]. Available from: [Google Scholar
Merriam-Webster . Words We’re Watching: ‘Patchwriting’. Merriam-Webster; 2020. Available from: [Google Scholar]
World Association of Medical Editors. Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals. [Last accessed on 2016 Oct 14]. Available from: “http://wwwwameorg/resources/publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals.” http://www.wameorg/resources/publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals .
World Health Organization: Sepsis. Cited 19 April 2017s. Available at:
• PE
Patricia Etheridge
replied toBeverly Quiza
Mar 8, 2022, 2:12 PM
Replies to Beverly Quiza
Hi Beverly,
Good post and nice recap of the importance of scholarly writing especially for our profession… Take care, Dr. Etheridge
• NM
Nkiruka Mgbemena
replied toBeverly Quiza
Mar 9, 2022, 10:39 PM
Replies to Beverly Quiza
Great topic for a DPI Beverly. According to Dpowell, (n.d.), the healthcare associated infections (HAI) like sepsis is among one of the causes of illness and death in the U. S. About 1.7 million people are infected causing almost 100, 000 deaths yearly which is costing the country and estimated amount of about $28-33 billion every year. So, there is a need to create DPI project with intervention that could reduce this cost and definitely the amount of illness and possible deaths to patients. Hospitals are required to report their acquired infection rates as standardized infection ratios (SIR). These are summary measure that was instituted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) so that they could track these infection rates over time on the local, state and national levels and hospital levels (Dpowell, (n.d.). Hospitals with a low SIR, indicates that their infection rate was lower than the national average as opposed to a higher score which indicates an infection ratio higher that the national average (Dpowell, (n.d.).
Dpowell. (n.d.). Health care quality assessment. The Official Web Site for The State of New Jersey.
Tommie Wood
Posted Date
Mar 6, 2022, 12:58 PM
Replies to Angela Zafke
Plagiarism and how to avoid plagiarism include knowing when you need to cite, use of effective quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, avoiding copying and pasting from your source, citing as you write, and using citation management tools such as EndNote. (University of Louisville, nd)
Writers must cite each time another person’s words, ideas, or images are used in writing. If the words are used verbatim, it must be in quotation marks around the words. Citing must also accompany also when using another person’s ideas. (University of Louisville, nd) One way to think of when to use a quote is by determining if using a direct quote is important in supporting your claim and or you want to be exact in demonstrating the author’s position. (University of Louisville, nd).
Summaries and paraphrasing are similar. A summary condenses a large work into a shorter text and allows the writer to focus on his/her description of what is relevant to what is being discussed. (University of Louisville, nd). Paraphrasing shows you understand the literature and provides evidence that supports your work in a straightforward manner and allows the writer to set the tone. (University of Louisville, nd)
Reference as defined by Merriam-Webster, as a verb is to supply with references, cite a reference that leads the person to other sources of information. For example, put in a form, for example, a bibliography or table. (Merriam-Webster). Citations are in the body of writing and contain the author’s name, publication year. The page number should be included in a direct quote. (Merriam-Webster)
LopesWrite is a useful tool provided through Grand Canyon University for students to use to avoid plagiarism. (Grand Canyon University, 2021). I’ve been procrastinating and not getting my assignment to this tool in a timely manner to review mistakes and correct mistakes. Again, I’m reminded of the importance of planning and time management. LopesWrite also provides grammar, spelling, and a tool to check for citations. LopesWrite Tool provides word count, similarity score, quoted text, possible citation violations, and grammar details.
The importance of my desired DPI working with health equity and implementing a quality improvement tool to address culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) is supported through research done by Martino, Mathews, et al in the study National Racial/Ethnic and Geographic Disparities in Experiences with Health Care Among Adult Medicaid Beneficiaries. The objective of the study was to determine if health care experiences varied by different ethnicities and rural and urban areas of those who receive Medicaid benefits. “Improving experience for racial/ethnic minorities in large urban areas should be high priorities for policymakers to improve the value and delivery of care to Medicaid beneficiaries”. (Martino, Mathews, et al, 2019)
LopesWrite. (2021.).
Martino, S. C., Mathews, M., Agniel, D., Orr, N., Wilson, F. S., Ng, J. H., Ormson, A. E., Elliott, M. N., & Wilson-Frederick, S. (2019). National racial/ethnic and geographic disparities in experiences with health care among adult Medicaid beneficiaries. Health Services Research, 54, 287–296.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (ND)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (nd)
University of Louisville. University of Louisville Writing Center. How can I avoid plagiarizing? (nd).
• PE
Patricia Etheridge
replied toTommie Wood
Mar 7, 2022, 1:05 PM
Replies to Tommie Wood
Hi Tommie,
Good post, Thank you for highlighting how Lopes write can help prevent plagiarism, thus the importance of noting similarity scores. Take care, Dr. Etheridge
• AS
Asiatu Seisay
replied toTommie Wood
Mar 7, 2022, 1:51 PM
Replies to Tommie Wood
Response to Tommie Wood
Hello Tommie, whether scholarly or unscholarly, writing is an art that requires innovation and creativity. Plagiarism steals the trustworthiness and originality of any given content. As a result, it is not only an act of fraud, but also forgery and piracy and a serious academia crime. To maintain credibility, Sharma & Verma (2019) emphasize that scholars should strive to maintain honesty in scientific writing and publication. To meet this requirement, just as you have highlighted, there are several tools available online to check for plagiarism before submitting content. However, a scholar should be careful of the tool they select to check for plagiarism as different software tools have varying degrees of effectiveness. In scholarly writing, there is some minimal difference between paraphrasing and summarizing. In the former, a learner must put content from a source into their words and attribute it to the original source. Therefore, the paraphrased content tends to be shorter compared to the original content and commands a bigger segment of the source but slightly condensing it. In contrast, summaries include putting main ideas in a writers’ own words while only focusing on the major points.
Sharma, H., & Verma, S. (2019). Insight into modern-day plagiarism: The science of pseudo research. Ci ji yi xue za zhi = Tzu-chi medical journal, 32(3), 240–244.
Audimar Bugayong
Posted Date
Mar 6, 2022, 12:43 PM(edited)
Replies to Angela Zafke
When writing in APA style, credit must be given to the respective authors for their original work and concepts. This can be done through citations and references and is important to avoid plagiarism. According to the American Psychological Association (2020), an important component of writing in APA style is citing the researchers who impacted your project and contributions. Citations allow the writer to give credit to the original authors within the text. For instance, after summarizing work from a previous study, the writer can acknowledge the original source through in-text citations through parenthetical citations [(Ramer et al., 2016)] or narrative citations [Ramer et al. (2016)] (APA, 2020). In-text citations are necessary for the APA style as it prevents the accusation of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. On the other hand, references refer to the information that is necessary to help readers identify and locate each work cited in the work (APA, 2020). All original work and ideas must be cited, and a reference list must be created to support the overall work and avoid plagiarism (Cooper, 2016). With this, a summary of the information allows the writer to condense information, omit unnecessary details, and directly get to the message or point (Cooper, 2016).
A citation report percentage can be obtained when papers are submitted through the LopesWrite program. This allows writers to ensure proper citations and references are in place to avoid plagiarism. Instructors may also review the report and give feedback if necessary changes need to be made.
Example from the article:
Clinical knowledge and psychomotor coordination are required to become proficient and an expert in starting intravenous (IV) lines. Unsuccessful IV starts often lead to frustrated nurses and affects the patient’s comfort level and satisfaction score. The goal of the study was to implement a process for nurses to utilize the VeinViewer, a device that utilizes light to expose the patient’s veins (Ramer et al., 2016).
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 2020: the official guide to APA style (7th ed.). American Psychological
Cooper, H. (2016). Plagiarism. In Ethical choices in research: Managing data,
writing reports, and publishing results in the social sciences. (pp. 119–132). American Psychological
Ramer, L., Hunt, P., Ortega, E., Knowlton, J., Briggs, R., & Hirokawa, S. (2016). Effect of intravenous (IV) assistive device (VeinViewer) on IV access attempts, procedural time, and patient and nurse satisfaction. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 33(4), 273–281.
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