MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion

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MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 1

Choose any group to which you currently belong or have belonged to in the past. Discuss the type of group, its intended purpose, and how it was formed. What were some benefits and challenges you faced while working in this group? How might those benefits and challenges differ in a virtual group setting?


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 2

Refer to Table 11-4 in the Krietner and Kinicki textbook. Which of the reasons for team failure have you experienced and how would you do things differently to ensure that any team you are involved in will be successful?


MGT 605 Grand Canyon Week 4 Discussion 3

Although virtual teams are becoming more prevalent, there have been mixed reviews on their effectiveness. Read “The Best Online Platforms for Virtual Meetings,” “5 Tips for Virtual Collaboration,” and “Yahoo Orders Homeworkers Back to the Office” (attached in the Module 4 Topic Materials). Discuss the steps you would take to manage a successful virtual team (be sure to discuss how you would choose a platform to use and guidelines for monitoring virtual team performance).

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